The Nadakkavu police have registered a case and launched an investigation into the molestation of a teacher from Kozhikode by a fellow passenger while she was travelling on a Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) bus from Thiruvananthapuram to Kozhikode on Saturday night.
The woman had alleged that the bus conductor had tried to ignore the incident, paving the way for the escape of the suspect.
The Nadakkavu police said a case had also been registered against the KSRTC conductor for his alleged negligence in discharging his duties. The KSRTC higher-ups had reportedly given instructions to take stringent action against the conductor.
The gravity of the incident came to light when the woman shared her traumatising experience on Facebook. She had also expressed shock over the indifferent attitude shown by other passengers. According to her, the Highway police also failed to come to her rescue.
Suspect yet to be traced
Meanwhile, the Nadakkavu police said they were yet to trace the suspect. They said the statements of the conductor and other passengers on the bus would be recorded soon.
Meanwhile, the KSRTC placed under suspension the conductor for remaining indifferent to the woman’s complaint. V.K. Jaffar, a driver-cum-conductor attached to the Kozhikode depot of the KSRTC, has been placed under suspension pending an investigation, the KSRTC said on Monday.
Internal inquiry
Earlier on Monday, Transport Minister Antony Raju said that an internal inquiry had found the conductor, prima facie, guilty of lapses. The bus crew was responsible for the safety of the passengers, the Minister said. Mr. Jaffar neglected his duty and was rude to the complainant when he should have taken a proactive stand on the passenger’s complaint. He also tarnished the image of the KSRTC by justifying his actions on visual media without the permission of the KSRTC, the State transport utility noted.