Agriculture could be turned into a profitable profession by adopting advanced technologies, said Karnataka Governor Thawarchand Gehlot. He spoke at the seventh convocation of Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agriculture and Horticulture Sciences at Iruvakki in Sagar taluk on Wednesday.
The use of drones, nanotechnology, and mechanisation of agriculture could bring significant changes in the agriculture sector. There was a need to encourage startups intended to work in the agriculture sector and develop applications that help farming, the governor said.
Recalling the contributions of Keladi Shivappa Nayaka, the erstwhile ruler of the region, the governor said the university had been aptly named after him. His contributions to agriculture were significant. The university should continue to work towards helping local farmer in increasing their yield, he said.
Dr. R.S. Paroda, president of the Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences (TASS), in his convocational address, stressed the need for multi-crop farming to enhance income from farming.
The degrees were conferred on 355 graduate students, 79 post-graduate students and 10 PhD scholars. Vice Chancellor Dr. R.C. Jagadeesh, Registrar Dr. R. Lokesh and others were present.