Senator Zed Seselja said the ACT Liberals would be "fighting for every inch" in a battle cry to loyalists at his official campaign launch on Saturday.
Senator Seselja faces an uphill battle for his seat amid a swell of support for independent candidate David Pocock and The Greens in the lead-up to the federal election.
The Liberal candidate told media Labor and The Greens were spreading the message they "own this town".
"Part of the message from the Labor Party and The Greens is that they own this town, that other voices, people who disagree with their agenda, shouldn't have a voice," he said.
However, within the ranks of the 100 party faithful gathered at the launch on Saturday there was no doubt the senator would have their vote.
Chants of "Zed, Zed, Zed" echoed throughout the room as the man of the hour stepped up to the podium.
"We need to get in the trenches ... there is a lot to fight. There is a lot at stake here in Canberra, there is a lot at stake here in our nation," Senator Seselja said.
"This is going to be one of those campaigns where we are fighting for every inch.
"Whether it's in the shopping centres, whether it is in the pre-poll, whether it's on the day ... we will be fighting for everything."

Senator Seselja spruiked plans to address housing affordability, increase defence spending and denounced The Greens' "radical policies" to decriminalise illicit drug use.
The big reveal at the event, a new campaign video, was plagued by technical difficulties. Despite a lack of sound the crowd cheered as organisers promised the advertisement would soon be aired on their TVs.
Angus Taylor was present to address supporters ahead of Senator Seselja's rally cry.
"It's hard being a Liberal in Canberra," Mr Taylor said.
"The truth is that a Labor, Green, fake independent coalition is the risk we face as a country today, and a risk that we as Liberals need to fight every day for the next three weeks."