Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, a member of the Armed Services, Intelligence, and Judiciary Committees, expressed strong criticism of President Biden's plan to cap asylum petitions at 2,500 persons per day. Senator Cotton likened the plan to 'closing the barn door after the horses are already out,' emphasizing that the real issue lies in Biden's past policies inviting migrants to the U.S.
Senator Cotton argued that the current crisis at the border is not being adequately addressed, attributing Biden's recent actions to a political move to boost his polling numbers ahead of the next election. He highlighted the need for a secure border and legal immigration pathways, contrasting the current situation with the policies under the previous administration.
Concerns were raised about the national security risks posed by the influx of illegal immigrants, with Senator Cotton pointing out the potential threats from individuals on the terrorist watch list who may have crossed the border undetected. He stressed the importance of addressing the crime, public service strain, and national security implications of the ongoing border situation.
The FBI director's warning about the dangers of unmitigated threats from the border, including issues like fentanyl trafficking, gang violence, and human trafficking, further underscored the gravity of the situation. Recent incidents, such as the shooting of New York City police officers by an illegal immigrant, added to the urgency of the security concerns.
Senator Cotton called for immediate border closure to prevent further risks to American citizens and emphasized the need for a return to the secure border policies of the past. He warned that the current open border approach could lead to severe consequences, including potential terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.