Republican Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma recently endorsed Donald Trump following his Super Tuesday win in the Oklahoma primary. Despite Trump's opposition to legislation supported by Lankford, the senator emphasized the importance of supporting Trump over Joe Biden due to their contrasting policies on border security.
Lankford expressed frustration over misinformation surrounding his legislation, which he believed could improve border situations and potentially save lives. He highlighted the significant increase in illegal crossings under President Biden compared to Trump's administration, pointing out the differences in their approaches to national security and border enforcement.

While acknowledging the need to address gaps in asylum laws regardless of the president in office, Lankford emphasized the urgency of securing the nation and ensuring a swift resolution to existing issues. He underscored the importance of focusing on national security issues and border security, aligning with Trump's priorities in his bid for the presidency.
As Trump continues his presidential campaign, Lankford aims to maintain a focus on border security and national security issues, emphasizing the stark contrast between Trump's approach and that of President Biden. Lankford's commitment to working on legislation to address asylum law gaps reflects his dedication to securing the nation, regardless of the political landscape.