These pictures show what a West End pool will look like after it reopens to the public next week.
Elswick Pool, which was closed by Newcastle City Council in October 2015 due to budget cuts, is set to open its doors again on Monday.
When the venue shut it doors four years ago, it sparked major protests from residents in the area.
However the council said it could open again if a financially viable business plan was put in place for the community to run it.
In February the plans took a huge step forward when council leader Nick Forbes and Coun Kim McGuinness officially handed over the lease to Elswick Community Pool and Leisure Centre.
Since then the charity has been driving forward the work to bring the pool back to use.
The Elswick Pool Community group will manage the day-to-day running of the pool once it is opened, with support from the team behind Jesmond Pool.
The council has now officially handed over the keys for the new-look venue to the Friends of Elswick Pool after completing restoration work.
The project included repairs to the pool, which has a new treatment system and pumps, electricals, modern gym equipment and new flooring in the former dance studio.
Coun John-Paul Stephenson, cabinet member for neighbourhoods and public health, said: "I am thrilled to see that Elswick Pool has reached this important milestone and would like to thank the team of builders, developers and the local community for supporting this project.
"Elswick Pool is at the heart of the local community and once reopened will provide brilliant facilities for families and schools that will help them improve their health.
"The developments to date are a celebration of the work of the council and local volunteers who are taking a dedicated approach to bringing Elswick Pool back to life.
"I believe strongly that creating vibrant neighbourhoods that support all residents, families and visitors to live healthy, active lives is vitally important and has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the whole city."
Once opened, it is hoped the pool will create new jobs along with working in partnership with Newcastle College to train 24 lifeguards. Current job opportunities, as well as opening hours and facility information is available at .