Accidents happen at Walt Disney World. You can’t be in a place where so many humans are so close together and not have the occasional spill. And of course, with a lot of small kids, who don’t necessarily pay attention, you can have some pretty wild incidents. One of those moments has recently gone viral on TikTok as a small child ran out into the middle of a cavalcade of characters, causing a collision that resulted in the kid getting dropped pretty hard.
The clip comes from Toy Story Land, the home of all things Toy Story at Walt Disney World, at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Woody and Jessie are walking through the land, waving at guests, when a small child comes barreling in front of Woody. The Cast Member doesn’t see the child, and trips over him, causing the kid to go down, and Woody nearly goes over as well. Check it out:
@_disney._stuff_ ♬ som original - rebecalavouras
The kid is immediately attended to by a couple of Cast Members who are walking with the characters. One assumes his guardians were close behind but the clip ends almost immediately after the crash, so we don’t really see the aftermath. Maybe the kid was trying to cross the path to the other side, or perhaps he thought he could get a hug from Jesse or Woody but either way, it didn’t work out too well.
Cast Members do a lot to keep the interactions between costumed characters and guests appropriate, but they certainly can’t be everywhere at once, and small kids are nothing if not unpredictable. Somebody would have to really be in the right place at the right time to prevent this collision.
Honestly, props to Woody here. It looks like he’s able to keep his feet and not completely fall over, and that’s pretty impressive considering that costume is pretty bulky. We know that wearing those Disney World costumes can be tough on the Cast Members. I’m not sure how possible it would have been for him to get up off the ground if he had fallen. Woody is also able to get away from the kid, so if he did fall, he wouldn’t fall on the child.
When we do see these sorts of mishaps we do sometimes see changes in the way Disney World handles things to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. It will be interesting to see if that happens here. I'm not really sure what could be done, but Disney World is certainly creative, and it might be able to find a way to prevent these sorts of accidents that won't put up walls between guests and the characters.