Search efforts to find a man whose boat washed ashore empty south of Hobart have been suspended.
A wide-scale air, land and sea search was launched on Wednesday afternoon after a 10-metre cruiser beached at Kingston.
Police said the vessel's owner, aged in his 70s, had set off from a marina in Hobart's north earlier that morning.
Authorities on Thursday said they held grave concerns for the man, who likely went overboard on Wednesday and wasn't believed to be wearing a life jacket.
"Extensive searches have been conducted, utilising marine resources and two helicopters," Tasmania Police commander Jason Elmer said.
"However, unfortunately ... the man has not been located.
"Following a comprehensive review, the search has been suspended. However we will continue to investigate any information received."
The man's disappearance is not being treated as suspicious, police said, after a review of CCTV, interviews with people and the discovery of some of his personal items.