A strong core and sculpted abdominal muscles don’t need to be cooked up in the gym, in fact, it doesn’t even require a single piece of gym equipment. This core routine from Lotty Campbell Bird, a certified Pilates instructor and Founder of The Collective Fitness Studio, will only take you six minutes and requires nothing more than just your bodyweight.
“This is a great sequence you can add on to the end of your workout either at the gym or at home,” says Lotty. It's also perfect for those days when you've been sitting for hours and need to give your body some much-needed TLC. Strengthening your core not only improves posture and balance but studies have also shown it can help reduce lower back pain. This makes the workout especially beneficial for desk dwellers who need to keep their muscles moving to avoid aches and pains.
The exercises in this workout are designed to flow from one movement to the next so, instead of us writing down how many reps and sets to follow, your best bet is to let Lotty guide you by following along to the video. As you progress through the workout, the exercises will become more challenging, but try hold in there! Lotty shows how you can regress and progress the exercises if needed. Make sure you have a water bottle nearby for afterward, you’ll need it. Here’s what the workout looks like:
- Ab curl
- Pilates hundred
- Toe taps
- Deadbugs
- Double toe tap double arm reach
- Single leg extension
Alternatively, if you think this workout sounds a bit too advanced, then check out Lotty's three favourite core exercises for beginners—no equipment necessary! If you have time for a longer routine though, then try this 8-move full-body Pilates workout, which will leave your entire body feeling stronger.