A man who racked up £20,000 worth of debt to change his looks has shared an all important message after his "turning point".
The ECHO previously reported how Liam Halewood, from Allerton, began getting Botox, lip fillers and hair transplants to land himself a spot on countless reality shows from E4's Bodyfixers and The Extreme Diet Hotel to the X Factor. But racking up £20,000 worth of debt in the process of changing his looks, he spoke out about the dangers or reality TV.
Now, Liam is sharing an all important message as he says he has come "out the other side". The Boy George impersonator said he has since realised that "beauty comes from within" as he is now happier than ever.
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He told the ECHO: "I didn't believe in myself at all because I had people telling me this is how you need to look to get ahead. I went on this journey for perfection but it wasn't real, you can't get it.
"It did nothing for my confidence and it got me into trouble with debt. I lied to myself telling myself I was the bees knees with my flawless skin but people judge you differently. I got judged and now, I'm myself. I've never been happier and I can't wait to help campaign for younger people.

"I started changing myself when I was 28 which is still so young but it happens. I'm not against it, there's people who have massive insecurities but I'm trying to show the reality of it. Anyone can do a two hour course and give Botox.
"But when you've got young teenagers going in, are they getting a pep talk? It's just become a false dream and it's because of influencers on Instagram filtering their pictures. Kids need to embrace who they are. The generation of today has their mind warped by social media."
The 36-year-old is now campaigning for change as he says aesthetics has "become a trend, not a lifestyle choice". He added: "Kids are brainwashed. I spent £20k to make myself into the next reality TV star and my body positivity campaign has spiralled from that. People need to know it's not all about looks.
"This is why Botox should be done by doctors and nurses only, people who can talk to you about the pros and cons and ask why you're doing it. We need to let kids know that it's what comes from within that's important, that's how you leave your legacy on this earth. You don't leave Botox and fillers behind, what have you got when you go to your grave?

"There's no real representation of the reality of a body and real people. The turning point for me was self belief. Before covid I just thought to myself what have I got from this apart from £20k worth of debt?"
After realising his self worth and believing himself, Liam said he has never felt "happier, sexier and more fulfilled in life". He told the ECHO: "If you're happy in yourself you have a natural glow and radiance. Stop thinking you have to look a certain way, just be yourself.
"I feel sorry for the younger generation they are being forced to look a certain way. Kids get bullied in school and after they think they need to look and be the best. And the world we live in, it's easier for young people to get Botox and fillers without any real digging into why.
"I love my little hairy dad bod because who doesn't love to cuddle a teddy bear."
In the New Year, Liam aims to continue his body positivity campaign as he says he has an upcoming project, which he has filmed, and is getting involved in a campaign to legalise aesthetics and fillers for nurses and doctors only.
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