Holyrood is being asked to take action on the “negative impact” vacant, abandoned and derelict sites are having on the region’s communities.
South Scotland SNP MSP Emma Harper is to lead a national Members Debate in the Scottish Parliament with a determination to get these sites – and others across the country – turned into “useful community assets” rather than vandalised and rotting “eyesores”.
In her motion she will highlight experiences of Dumfries and Galloway residents living near places like the former Interfloor factory in Dumfries, the George Hotel in Stranraer and the Central Hotel in Annan – which are all thorns in the side of local communities.
The debate, which is expected to be heard in the first week in November, is in addition to Ms Harper’s current petition with Heathhall Community Council urging Dumfries and Galloway Council to take “immediate and effective action” to address the empty former Interfloor factory, which is privately owned.
It has been the subject of vandalism for many years and earlier this month firefighters were called to another blaze in the building.
Vandals have also targeted the privately owned Central Hotel building and the council recently stepped in to board it up.

Ms Harper said: “Scotland has almost 11,000 hectares of vacant and derelict sites – equivalent to 20,556 football pitches – and people, on average, live within 500 meters of a derelict site, a percentage which increases to 55 per cent of people in communities on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.
“These sites, including many in our region, are a remnant from Scotland’s industrial past and it is time that they be addressed urgently.
“The reason it is so important to address these sites is because research, including from the Scottish Land Commission, University of Glasgow and Green Space Scotland, shows that vacant and derelict sites can harm the wellbeing of communities. The findings show that these sites can contribute to negative mental health, feelings of a lack of safety and that vacant and derelict sites can contribute to anxiety and a persistent low mood.
“Indeed, from recent engagement with community members in Heathhall and Locharbriggs, I know this is the case due to the former Interfloor factory, just as it is in Stranraer due to the George Hotel.”
She added: “I look forward to leading this debate but in the meantime I will continue to do all I can – such as I am doing with the petition calling on the council to urgently address the former Interfloor factory – to see action taken to turn these sites into assets for our communities.”
Ms Harper has also called on Holyrood to provide an update on its work to implement the recommendations from the Scottish Land Commissions report, Transforming Scotland’s Approach to Vacant and Derelict Land.