THE Scottish Government has called for closer links with Europe in a bid to bring down energy bills and boost investment.
Ahead of upcoming UK Government talks with the EU, the Scottish Government has published a report identifying a number of opportunities to more closely align with the EU on energy matters.
These include accelerating the adoption of more efficient UK-EU electricity trading arrangements to bring down energy costs for consumers and linking the UK and EU Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS) to help reduce costs and barriers to trade.
Estimates from the UK energy industry predict that unless the UK moves toward closer co-operation with the EU on energy and climate, it may lead to additional costs of up to £10 billion in 2024/25, through higher energy bills and lower Treasury revenues.
While the Scottish Government wishes to see Scotland become an EU member state, the report sets out immediate actions which it thinks would rebuild closer collaboration with the EU on energy and climate matters and offset some of the damage caused by Brexit.
Gillian Martin, acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, said: “As we approach the fifth anniversary of Brexit, the costs to the people of Scotland are becoming ever clearer.
“The best future for Scotland is to be a member state of the EU. But we will always be a voice for closer co-operation with our fellow Europeans – in particular around issues which impact us all such as lowering energy bills and driving up investment in renewables.
“This paper highlights the key areas where working together is vital for achieving our shared ambitions – driving economic growth, reducing costs, strengthening energy security and substantially contributing to our shared climate goals.
(Image: Andrew Milligan) “We have a pivotal role to play and stand ready to work collaboratively with the UK Government and wider partners to re-build a closer relationship with Europe in this space.”
Meanwhile, in Wales
Plaid Cymru have also said Wales needs to reset its relationship wit Europe to repair the damage to the economy caused by Brexit.
The party’s spokesperson for Justice and European Affairs, Adam Price, said that a Plaid Cymru Government in Wales would introduce a new act to enable Welsh law to be aligned as closely and quickly as possible with essential European standards when it is in Wales’ best interests.
Price said a new European Alignment Act could help reset the relationship between Wales and Europe to protect the economy at a time of growing global instability.
According to the Economic Cost of Brexit project, the average person in the UK is now £2000 worse off as a result of Brexit.
Price said: “Five years on, there can be no doubting the extent of the damage that Brexit has done to Wales and the wider UK.
“The form of hard Brexit pursued by the last UK Government has cost the Welsh economy up to £4 billion. Brexit has reduced the value of Welsh exports by up to £1.1bn. Post-Brexit trade deals have hurt Welsh farmers, fishers and other producers across many key sectors.
“Plaid Cymru believe that returning to the single market and customs union as soon as possible would be the best way to begin to undo this economic damage. Under Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Labour are disappointingly resolute in refusing to acknowledge this starkest of economic realities.
“We need an urgent reset in our relationship with the EU, including securing opportunities for young people in Wales to travel, work and study in Europe, and vice versa.”
The Scottish Government report can be found here.