Prime Minister Scott Morrison was filmed at Darwin’s Anzac Day dawn service on Monday not listening to the speeches like everyone else was and instead leaning back in his chair and texting.
The footage was captured by 10News and it is wild how long he was on his phone for before he stood up to applaud.
He and opposition deputy leader Richard Marles were invited to put the election aside for a few hours and attend the service to remember fallen soldiers at Gallipoli in WWI. But looks like Scotty had better things to do.
What was Morrison doing? Campaigning? Congratulating incumbent French president Emmanuel Macron on his election win? Leaking his own text messages???
Why was @ScottMorrisonMP texting during the ANZAC service today?
Little bit disrespectful I would’ve thought… pic.twitter.com/UgMeDJuOgM
— Toilet Paper Australia (@toiletpaperaus1) April 25, 2022
It’s disrespectful, yes, but on top of that it’s just so hypocritical it makes me clench my fists.
Remember when he said Grace Tame “disrespected” him by not smiling for a photo op?
Morrison wins plenty of support on a platform of calling out “disrespect”, disrespect of elders, disrespect of Australia — it’s how he connects with the Old Man Yells At Cloud-type who thinks protesting is a disgrace and just plain rude.
These folks were out in full force a few weeks ago when they cried disrespect after Morrison was booed at Shane Warne‘s state funeral and again just two days ago when he arrived in the NT to a sea of boos and his politician mates said this “level of disrespect” was just “not on”.
Well where are they now? Morrison texting? Totally acceptable and normal.
Every Lib supporter who’s defended him can STFU because we know how viciously they and the Murdoch media would have skewered Anthony Albanese if he’d have been caught doing the same. Seriously just picture the media storm.
Liberal candidate Stephanie Asher also came under fire on Monday after her election billboards were driven past an Anzac Day service near Geelong in Victoria.
#WATCH: Liberal candidate Stephanie Asher’s mobile billboards were driven directly past at least 1 #AnzacDay service today@geelongaddy reports she has been slammed as “disgusting” and “disrespectful”
What are your thoughts? @6NewsAU #auspol pic.twitter.com/Ze4GWKGPul
— Leonardo Puglisi (@Leo_Puglisi6) April 25, 2022
Asher apologised and blamed the driver because it was definitely, absolutely, 100% not planned. But locals at the service said it looked pretty blatant.
“We were at the Cenotaph at 10.30am and the van came up the main street heading towards Portarlington, you could see the driver visibly looked over and saw all of us,” one attendee told news.com.au.
“Then it did a U-ey and came back the other way and went even slower, then did another lap out.”
“The people close to me were shaking their heads. I thought it was distasteful for what we were doing.”
But yeah, no disrespect!!!!!
We can only giggle at the Herald Sun’s extremely straight headline for this piece of news: Liberal candidate Stephanie Asher’s election billboard driven past Anzac Day service.
We can all imagine how it would’ve read if it was a Labor candidate.
The post Scott Morrison Was Filmed Texting In The Middle Of An Anzac Day Service And Now *That’s* Respect appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .