A brave Scots woman who was unable to turn left on a bicycle without losing her balance and falling off believes it was the start of her Motor Neurone Disease. Moira Chittdenden, from Dunfermline, Fife, was diagnosed with the terminal illness in October 2021 after struggling with muscle weakness on one side of her body.
But the 58-year-old believes she started showing signs of the illness way back in 2010 when her husband John was trying to teach her to ride a bike. Moira, who was eventually forced to retire from her job as a therapist, went to her GP when she began struggling to open jars and experiencing muscle loss.
After undergoing a number of tests, she was given her formal diagnosis which carries an average life expectancy of just 18 months. Despite her failing health, Moira is determined to raise as much money as possible to help other people affected by the disease by taking part in the Edinburgh Kiltwalk’s ‘Wee Wander’ in aid of MND Scotland.
Remembering the first time she felt something was wrong, she said: “I started having to ask my husband John to take off lids for me in November 2019. By January it was still getting worse and when John noticed muscle loss in my left (dominant) hand between my thumb and forefinger, he insisted that I needed to see my GP.
“Interestingly, John had tried to teach me how to ride a bike in 2010 and although I could ride forward and turn right, I could never turn left. I lost my balance every time I tried. I think that was the beginning of my MND as it first manifested on my left side.”

Mo visited her GP in late 2019 and was quickly referred to the Neurology department. Speaking on her diagnosis, Moira explained: “I saw a neurologist in February 2020 and he wrote to my GP saying that I either had Motor Neuron Disease or Parkinson’s but that he couldn't give a definite diagnosis until I had been tested.”
Moira underwent a nerve conduction study in October last year and was given the devastating diagnosis just two days later. She added: “I have developed muscle stiffness and muscle atrophy which makes things that I once found simple really difficult. The biggest challenge is finding ways to cope.
“When my left hand became paralysed, I taught myself to write with my right. Now my right hand is going the same way. I've had to experiment with different cutlery and ways of holding it so I can still feed myself. You're constantly problem solving with MND.”
On her motivation behind signing up for the Edinburgh Kiltwalk, she said: “The support I have received from MND Scotland has been absolutely brilliant and I want to do what I can to give back to the people that have supported me throughout my MND journey.
“I honestly don’t think I would have made it this far without them. I felt very positive when I signed up (for the walk) but unfortunately, I've deteriorated since then. The MND has now spread to my legs, and they have started to stiffen, and I also have minor muscle atrophy.
“So, my frame of mind is now mind over matter and I will succeed.”
Recalling his reaction to hearing that wife Moira had been diagnosed with MND, husband John said: “Finding out that Mo has MND was absolutely devastating and for quite a while I was living in a state of shock. Trying to get my head around the idea of losing her sooner than expected is something that I still find difficult to comprehend.”
Championing Moira’s fundraising effort, Chief Executive Officer for MND Scotland, Rachel Maitland, added: “Mo’s spirit and determination are an inspiration to everyone at MND Scotland and we feel extremely lucky to have her walking with us at the Edinburgh Kiltwalk.
“It’s heartwarming to hear that we have been able to provide her with vital emotional and practical support and thanks to people like Mo, we will be able to continue to provide other people affected by MND with the same level of care in the future. Thank you, Mo, and best of luck on the day.”
You can support Moira by making a donation here .
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