A Scots dog walker embarked on a four-hour rescue mission to save a stranded Octopus she found washed up in Bo'ness Harbour.
Zara Brodie spotted the creature while out for a walk with her puppy Gunner at the beauty spot in Falkirk on Tuesday morning.
The 34-year-old's Border Collie had dashed towards the water to go for a swim when she noticed the bright orange octopus lying sprawled out on the rocks.
She decided to Google how long an octopus can survive out of water and discovered it was only 30 minutes - so she sprung into action in a bid to save it's life.

Carrying only a dog poo bag - she scooped up water to bathe the creature before rushing to a local Tesco to buy a bucket.
Zara returned to find the cephalopod was still lying on the rocks and decided she had to find deeper water so she managed to coax it into the bucket using a stick.
She then bundled her dog, and the octopus in the bucket into her car and setting off to find a good spot to release the creature.
After four hours and a 10 mile road trip, she set it free into the Firth of Forth under the Queensferry Crossing.

Speaking to Falkirk Live, she said: "My dog is always trying to go for a swim in the water - it was then I spotted this beautiful bright orange blob out the corner of my eye.
"I don't know much about octopus so I Googled it and found out they can only live on land for around 30 minutes.
"I phoned my brother because he has a fish business and he gave me some advice but he told me not to pick it up.

"I walked out to where the tide was to get him some water and using a dog poo bag I managed to scoop some sea water up and splashed him with it.
"Then I headed to Tesco and bought a bucket to put him in with some water. I tried to use a stick to coax him in a bucket.
"Gummer, my 18 month Border Collie, was a bit confused by what was happening. He just kept dropping a stick at my feet wanting me to throw it for him. He really didn't care about the octopus.

"Using a glove, I helped the octopus move into the bucket.
"I got in the car and headed to Blackness along the road first, but the water was still very shallow, so headed toward South Queensferry.
"I found an ideal spot under the Queensferry Crossing so I let him out the bucket there, and he headed off.
Zara added: "I really didn't expected to see an octopus in Bo'ness, it was a surprising afternoon and very eventful."