A North Ayrshire man has been arguing with the council for almost two months in a bid to have rubbish dumped in his garden and bins by a neighbour cleared away.
Stuart Maxwell from Dalry claims he is in a bins war with the resident who fills them up to the brink and 'trashed' his garden with used household items.
The 28-year-old first reached out to North Ayrshire Council in May but, instead, claims council workers advised him to clear away the mess himself and closed his complaint without notifying him.
Stuart told Ayrshire Live: "My black bin is filled to the top with random stuff, my recycling bins are also filled but with the wrong materials, and my garden is completely trashed now and it's getting worse.
"I have pots and pans and TV unit stands dumped in my bins and garden.
"I can't use my garden, my bins won't get emptied because the wrong stuff is in the wrong bin, I've taken time off of work and spent a ridiculous amount of money on my phone bill to sort this.

"I reached out to the council a month after first lodging my complaint but the housing officer told me they couldn't get through to my neighbour so they closed my complaint.
"I was told to either put a padlock on my bin or move the bin to another part of the garden. My garden is full of food waste and I'm scared it will attract rats but was told the council will deal with that when it happens – they should be dealing with it before it happens.
"The housing officer came out to my house on Friday, July 8 and I got a cheeky response telling me to take the mess to the dump myself. That's not what I pay council tax for.
"I don't usually get upset but, after two months of this, just to be accused of doing this myself is beyond a joke.

"I spoke to the neighbour once before and explained I really don't need this but my neighbour denied everything; even though I do have an eyewitness and now a video of the neighbour doing this."
After Ayrshire Live contacted the council for comment, the local authority has promised to take action.
A spokesman said: “While we generally don’t comment on individual cases, we can confirm we are in the process of attempting to resolve an issue relating to bins at a property in Dalry.
“We will remove the existing waste and provide new bins which we hope will settle the issue for all parties.”
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