A schoolboy left with ten staples in his head after being violently beaten during a game of football told his mum he thought he was going to die.
Alexander Stewart, 11, was knocked to the ground, stamped and kicked by an older boy in a playing field in Bo'ness.
The argument had started while the boys, who were not well-known to each other, were involved in a game of football.
The youngster is now too frightened to leave his house after the ordeal.
Alexander's mum, Beverly Brown, 38, has told how she didn't recognise her son's face because of the blood pouring from his head when he came home.
Speaking to Falkirk Live, she said: "Words cannot describe how angry I am about this.

"This happened more than a week ago, and police are yet to make an arrest.
"I couldn't believe it when I saw him. I couldn't see his face for all the blood. It was pouring everywhere.
"Thankfully a man and woman found him trying to walk home. They gave him a towel to apply pressure to the gash.
"He kept saying he felt dizzy and at one point told me he thought he was going to die.

Alexander was rushed to Forth Valley hospital with his head injury and had to get ten staples put in.
Beverly continued: "The doctor said he was very lucky the man and woman found him because he could have passed out from the head injury and might not have woken back up.
"We were at the hospital for about seven hours. The medics wanted to make sure there was no internal bleeding.
"He has ten staples in his head, and the nurse said it will be months before his injury is better.
"Alexander is now terrified to leave the house and when he does, he won't go out without a cap because of the staples.
"The police took away Alexander's bloodied towel in an evidence bag. They also took bit of grass which were covered in blood away in a bag."
An investigation has been launched following the attack.
A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 1.40pm on Sunday, 20 March, officers received a report of an 11-year-old boy being assaulted on Grahamsdyke Road, Bo'ness.
"He was taken to Forth Valley Royal Hospital for treatment.
"Enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances."