A killer had a pint with his pals after unleashing a "brutal and relentless" attack on his ex and leaving her to die at home.
John Jessop, 26, had been in a brief relationship with mum-of-three Clair Ablewhite, 47, before punching her repeatedly and stabbing her to death in a savage attack after being rejected.
The couple had met online, but Clair had become concerned over their age difference.
Nottinghamshire Police said the affair had lasted less than six months and had ended six days before Jessop launched his attack on February 25 last year.
Jessop cycled around 17 miles from his home in Newark, Nottinghamshire, and was caught on CCTV before entering the mum's home, Nottingham Crown Court heard.
After murdering Clair and leaving her body to be found by her own father, Jessop went on to enjoy a pint with friends in a pub in Newark.

The court was told Jessop inflicted a "brutal and relentless" attack on Clair, "causing catastrophic injuries which finally led to her death".
Detective Inspector Mel Crutchley, who led the hunt for the killer, said the case was a "timely reminder for people to think about who they interact with online and to ensure their safety is protected from violent and predatory people like Jessop."
She added: "Throughout this investigation, Jessop has shown no remorse for what he did to Clair. He has consistently provided "no comment" in interview and offered up no apology.
"The attack he inflicted on Clair was brutal and relentless, causing catastrophic injuries which finally led to her death.

"At the same time that Clair's dad discovers his daughter's body and tries to provide CPR - Jessop is enjoying his first pint in a pub in Newark with mates.
"This was a premeditated attack. As he set off on that 17-mile cycle ride he knew exactly the course he wanted to take.
"He has taken away a loving, caring, and outgoing mum, daughter, sister, and friend to many.
"Today's sentence will never bring back Clair, but it does mean that Jessop will spend a considerable part of his life behind prison bars, and I hope this gives her family some comfort."

Jessop pleaded guilty to murder at a previous hearing and was sentenced today to life with a minimum term of 17 years and eight months.
Clair was found by her father after a pal raised concerns about her welfare.
Her father Graham Tinkley, 74, told the court: "To this day I wake up in the night; panic attacks. I see Clair in my dreams. I see blood gushing from her throat trying to resuscitate her dead body."
While Clair's body was found, Jessop was having a pint with friends at the pub, police said.
Clair was found dead after she had suffered stab wounds to the neck and chest. Her phone was also missing.

The killer had left hardly any DNA at the scene, apart from shoeprints marked in blood inside the address.
However, a massive break in the case happened when Jessop was identified as a suspect through CCTV provided by Clair's neighbour.
The neighbour was on holiday in France at the time and had caught Jessop on his CCTV camera as well as the audio of the attack.
He flew back to the UK to help the police with their investigation.
The shoeprints left at the scene matched the Adidas trainers Jessop was wearing at the time and police were able to identify his bike from a faulty reflector.

Police also managed to recover Clair's mobile, and despite it being severely water damaged, were able to recover the WhatsApp messages between her and Jessop.
Officers said the victim had been using a dating website and had communicated with Jessop via social media and WhatsApp.
Data from Jessop’s phone also showed that he installed Google Maps, which was subsequently deleted the day before the murder.
Before the murder, Jessop was spotted buying a pasty from a shop on CCTV, which later helped police match him at the scene.
Following her death, two of Clair's sons paid tribute to her, describing her as "one in a million".
*For confidential support, call the 24-hourNational Domestic Abuse Freephone Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or visit womensaid.co.ukIf you or your family have lost a friend or family member through fatal domestic abuse, AAFDA (Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse)can offer specialist and expert support and advocacy. For more info visit www.aafda.org.uk