Scientists at Dundee University have been awarded a staggering £2.1million to Rey and unlock the physics of life.
The researchers are trying to unlock the secrets of the very earliest stages of human existence.
They are teaming up with experts at Oxford University and in London to discover how thousands of cells self-organise to form the embryonic body plan.
The world-leading research could help lead to cures for cancers, heart defects and other severe congenital defects like spina bifida.
The project is led in Dundee by Professor Kees Weijer.
He said: “Understanding early embryonic developmental processes requires the analysis of how behaviours of hundreds of the thousands of cells are integrated to form and shape tissues and organs in the developing embryo.
“This project will use an integrated approach of advanced live microscopy, theoretical soft matter physics and biophysics, and computational modelling to address the biochemical and biophysical cell-cell signalling mechanisms.”
More information on the multi-million pound project can be found here.
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