East Kilbride MSP Collette Stevenson has welcomed new figures demonstrating the Scottish Government’s work to support young people.
Schools in East Kilbride are benefitting from over £1.8m of Pupil Equity Funding this year to reduce the attainment gap.
This funding is part of the Scottish Government’s £1bn investment in the Scottish Attainment Challenge over the course of this Parliament.
This financial year, South Lanarkshire schools have been allocated around £9m.
In helping to close the attainment gap, there are 20,239 pupils receiving free school meals in the council area.
As a result, latest figures show that 96.2 per cent of young people in South Lanarkshire go on to positive destinations – including further and higher education, employment or training.

Locally, 21,760 people have started a modern apprenticeship under the SNP Scottish Government.
The SNP MSP told Lanarkshire Live : “Since the SNP came into government in 2007, attainment and the number of pupils going on to positive destinations has improved.
“We have excellent schools and staff in East Kilbride, supported by funding the SNP Scottish Government has provided to reduce the attainment gap.
"I am delighted that this will continue, with over £1.8m going straight to East Kilbride head teachers to reduce the gap even further for the coming year.
“The SNP Scottish Government is also ensuring that P1-P3 children have the best start to their day by providing free school meals.
"This will also be extended to all primary schools in East Kilbride over this parliamentary term, with targeted support continuing in secondary schools."
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