A fashion-conscious schoolboy who once hoped to grown his hair out into a 'man bun' was sick of his mam telling his shaggy doo made him look like the 'offspring of Boris Johnson ' - so he hacked at his fringe with craft scissors.
Seven-year-old George-Henry Denton had earlier begged his mum Karly, 33, for two years to let him grow his hair, with his mother finally agreeing.
But George-Henry decided he'd had enough of his mam calling him a BoJo lookalike eight months in. After waking up with a bedhead, he and his six-year-old brother Frankie-James got their hands on a pair of craft scissors while Karly was in the bath. After giving himself a magical makeover, he proudly marched into the bathroom to show off his new trim, leaving his mother in stitches - Wales Online reports.
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Karly, from Grimsby, Lincolnshire, said: "I've said he looked like Boris for months. While it was going through the growing stage it didn't really lay properly, it just stuck out.
"I kept telling him he looked like the offspring of Boris Johnson. He kept telling me off. My mum said he looked like Worzel Gummidge, with either one he wasn't impressed.

"I showed him Boris and he said he doesn't look like that but I told him he really does. When he's just got out of bed and his hair sticks out so much, it's so funny. It kept falling down in his face and it was annoying him.
"I'd said in the morning that now it's at a nice length and it had gone through the awkward stage to where it actually looks nice, we could go and get it trimmed and tidied up.
"The scissors he used were out of a craft set that he had in the toy room. I went for a bath and sent them to play. I could hear them playing hide and seek and thought they were fine.
"He walked into the bathroom and was playing with his hair at the front. And he said 'mum the front bit has gone' and moved his hand and I just said 'oh my God, what have you done?'. I couldn't stop laughing. I thought wow. He was gutted. He said he'd taken the front bit off I told him he'd cut loads off but he wasn't panicking.
"I asked if he'd seen it and he hadn't so I showed it to him in the mirror and he started crying. He was in genuine shock that it didn't look good. He'd held the hair and asked his six-year-old brother to cut it for him and he did. They don't normally do anything stupid."
George-Henry is still hoping to grow his hair so Karly is trying to salvage the dodgy cut by waxing the left-over fringe down while it grows back.

Karly said: "He's been growing his hair for eight months and he's been asking for about two years if he could grow it long. In the end I said ok, let's go for it.
"He wanted it long enough to tie back and have a man bun, he was probably about two inches off being able to do that. He was going to have it cut back short but he changed his mind and said he still wants it long.
"In the morning, he gets straight up to wax his hair and he's asked if he could wait until it grows out. We've bought some extra strong wax to blend it and wax down."
Karly shared a photo of George-Henry's new do on Facebook where it racked up more than 5,000 comments and likes.
Karly said: "A lot of people were mostly saying this has made their day or dying laughing. A lot of others posted pictures of their own kids cutting their hair. I think they all do it at some point."

Social media users flooded the post with photos of their own children's dodgy haircuts.
One commenter said: "Oh bless him, he certainly knows his own mind. What a character. I hope you’re writing all his little adventures down. It’d be great to remind him in the future when his mini me is pulling a few stunts too x."
Another wrote: "Well.. at least he did it to his own hair! When my daughter was younger.. we had a neighbours lad round to play..I popped to the loo..came back down and said where's he gone my daughter said he went back home..
"Five mins later door knocks with said lad and his dad...and the boy missing a big chunk of hair... at the front yep my daughter had cut it! little S*D! I was so embarrassed and apologetic JEEZ I ONLY WENT FOR A WEE! luckily being a hairdresser i was able to sort it!! free of charge!"