The “Tory scum” case (DPP appeals to supreme court in case of protesters who called MP ‘Tory scum’, 31 January) reminds me that some of the sixth form classical scholars at my school produced a short-lived news sheet with the title Scum. For the paper’s motto they adopted the phrase Scum semper surgit (Scum always rises). Perhaps that explains everything.
Eric Crouch
Thame, Oxfordshire
• Please can we get a little more balance in the recipe section? So many vegetarian and vegan recipes, but a sad lack of anything containing meat. Are you deliberately appeasing the “tofu‑eating wokerati” fan base and neglecting your liberal omnivores?
Marilyn Downs
Hale, Greater Manchester
• So an incoming Labour government can’t afford to invest £28bn combatting the climate crisis (Labour to ditch £28bn annual green investment pledge, party sources say, 1 February). But can it afford not to?
Clifton Melvin
Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire
• Gillian Bassett (Letters, 4 February) has a wonderful explanation of why Dutch showers are too cold. My mother was told by her older siblings to complain to the council, because it built the pavement too near her bottom.
Alyson Elliman
Carshalton Beeches, London
• Growing up in an estate in 1970s Belfast, when someone looked in through the window, my mother used to shout: “Do you want to come in and look out?” (Letters, 4 February).
James Scott
Limington, Somerset
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.