Square Enix has unveiled a limited-time collaboration campaign with boba tea chain Gong cha and the event's adorable reward - a mount that scalpers are already selling for over $100 online.
Amid Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail's new content, a Shadowbringers-themed mount is back in the limelight thanks to a collab campaign between the MMO and a global tea franchise. As detailed in Square's announcement regarding the event, "Three collaboration drinks inspired by FF14 characters will be available during the promotion period." Anyone who purchases three of the beverages in "a single transaction" gets a code for the King Porxie mount.
The mount, which was previously only available in Japan, looks a lot like the Pixie beast tribe Portly Porxie mount - but it's undeniably cute. Unfortunately, not all collectors are finding it easy to get their hands on the flying piggy, though. As is seemingly the case with every such promotion, scalpers have taken note of it and are trying to unfairly profit. A Reddit thread highlighting the issue showcases examples of the scalping.
If you can make the trip to a gong cha for the mount please do it ASAP and don't give these scalpers your money. It's roughly 15-20 dollars for 3 drinks to get your mount from r/ffxiv
"It's roughly 15-20 dollars for three drinks to get your mount," the post explains - a price that's far lower than the $100-$150 or so scalpers are asking to get per code online. Highlights of advertised Porxie King listings include terms like "EXTREMELY RARE" and "LIMITED," likely to grab dedicated players' attention for quick money. Fans commenting on the post also point out that they've been unable to get the necessary three drinks due to scalping.
One says they witnessed someone buy a whopping 48 drinks "only to ceremoniously dump all of them in the trash the second they got them and walk off with 16 mount codes." Other commenters express hope that the Porxie King "comes up later" elsewhere for purchase like the Mog Station as they don't live near a Gong cha shop. Sadly, I don't either - but I'm not about to drop a plane ticket's worth of money on a mount no matter how much I want it.