When you're doing a big spring clean of your home, there are some areas and things that are all too easy to forget about - and over time, they become disgusting and often unsightly. To remind you about the items in your home that you need to replace, and how often it needs doing, Lynsey Crombie, aka the Queen of Clean, has shared her top tips to get your house looking spick and span.
Lynsey thinks that we shouldn't be as throwaway as we once were, instead focusing on making things last longer. But if we want to do that, things need to be in good condition.

She also said that we're all guilty of keeping things too long, which should certainly be put in the bin.
"Towels and bed sheets should be thrown out after two years and toilet brushes after six months, for example", the Sun reports.
Lynsey shared that pillows need replacing often if you don't take care of them - if they can, they should go in the washing machine twice a year. If you treat them well, they can last up to five years.
Beds are also a breeding ground for bacteria, and Lynsey recommends washing sheets at 60 degrees to kill any nasties, alongside Dettol laundry cleaner. If you do this, they may last three to four years, but may only last two.
And if you've got a washing-up sponge that's been there for a while, you may be putting yourself at a higher risk of food poisoning. Lynsey recommends throwing them away after a month.
If you take care of them, chopping boards could last up to five years, but once it's cracked, you could be putting yourself at risk of bacteria.
By treating it with coconut oil twice a year, you could give it a longer life.

If you have a bristle toilet brush, you'll probably want to consider chucking it away after six months as all sorts will get congealed on there.
To keep them hygienic, you can soak them in boiling water or flush them in the toilet with bleach.
And if you've had wooden spoons for more than two years, it may be time to get rid. To clean them, put them in boiling water and lots of unsightly debris will float to the top.
If you think your toothbrush is clean, think again! They cling to bacteria, so it's best to replace every six months, and in the meantime, clean them in a cup of mouthwash.

If you take proper care of your shower curtain it could last up to a year, but if you spot mould on it, you may want to throw it out, or try a white vinegar spray first.
Make sure you also open the bathroom window after you shower to air any damp.
And finally, mattresses need replacing around every eight years but use a protector to try and make it last as long as possible. Flipping them is also a great tip to make it fresher.
Do you already do these things? Let us know in the comments.