The bargain bonanza of the year has finally arrived, with retailers from tech to fashion, beauty to travel slashing their RRPs to annual lows so you can save some of your well earned cash in the run up to Christmas. Although the official Black Friday date is November 25, with the sales starting earlier every year, we’re already starting to see some juicy discounts that we’re ready to get our bargain-hunting hands on.
Granted that gaming is an area that often experiences hefty markdowns across laptops, accessories, and games, it’s rare to see discounts on Xbox or PS5 consoles. Well, not this year, with multiple retailers’ £60 off deal on the Xbox Series S, Microsoft’s cheaper alternative to the Series X.
Whilst the X has a larger memory, with a 1 TB drive as opposed to 512 GB, slightly higher resolution with 4K graphics instead of the 1080p visuals offered by the S, and boasts a disc drive to boot, considering the £200 price difference, the S offers much the same experience as the X for a fraction of the price - a gap that’s made even bigger with the price cut.
The good news is that all new games are compatible with both consoles, and with the Xbox Store you can download brand new releases from the comfort of your sofa. Perhaps the lack of disc drive is the push you need to switch to a digital only library, freeing up some much needed space in your drawers and cupboards. Even better, it’s the smallest Xbox yet, for a minimal, sleek, and compact addition to any TV cabinet.
Our top tip? Get in there fast because the deal will likely only last until the end of Cyber Monday, so you’ve only got a few hours left.
Buy now, £189 | Currys, Amazon, Microsoft, Very
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Xbox Series S

Was £249.99, now £189
Also available at microsoft.com , amazon.co.uk and very.co.uk
Buy now £189.99, Currys