Traveling is probably one of the best ways to actually learn more about other cultures. After all, many of the things one might read in a book about art and architecture can give you some ideas, but until you’ve walked around a foreign place, you often don’t know the details. Sometimes one might even learn that other places have very good ideas on how to live.
Someone asked “What cultural tradition from your country do you think the world should adopt?” and people shared their favorite examples. We also got in touch with Andres Zuleta from Boutique Japan to learn more about cultural traditions and travel. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorite examples and be sure to share your own ideas and experiences in the comments section below.

I think this actually came from Sweden but we have an app in Denmark that’s called Hjerteløber meaning heart runner. And what happens is if you take a cpr class you register as certified on the app. Then if someone calls for a heart attack the app pings a certain number of people in the direct vicinity. Your phone starts blasting an emergency signal and then you decide if you’re in a place where you can safely take the “mission”. If you accept you will either be directly routed to the person to perform cpr or routed to an AED and then the person. If you respond to the alert, the next day you will also get a follow up text asking if you’re ok or if you want to talk to someone about what happened.
I was called once and able to accept and it was amazing, horrific, and wonderful. I was able to grab an aed and when I got there (7 minutes after the call went out) I was the third aed to arrive and someone was actively performing cpr. All the extra people who came were helping all the people who were there and directing the ambulance when it arrived. I dont know what happened to the person but seeing all these people coming from every direction and running as fast as possible on a Friday night just really restored all hope in humanity.
Also they’ve done a lot of research on the calls and determined that it 100% is saving lives. It’s really amazing. .
Complete separation between state and religion.

Image credits: Justaredditor85
Not needing tipping because the workers are paid a fair wages already.

Image credits: Angel_Madison
Bored Panda got in touch with Andres Zuleta from Boutique Japan and he was kind enough to answer some questions for us. While it is a pretty far-away destination for most of us, we were still curious to hear his thoughts on it as a travel location even for more inexperienced folks.
“I would definitely recommend Japan for first time travelers. There are so many reasons! First off, it's just such a culturally fascinating destination (both modern and traditional), and you don't need to speak any Japanese to have a wonderful time,” he shared.
In Argentina when a child is found lost on any crowded beach people around them wil start to clap their hands seeking to attract attention so the family will notice and go and get the kid. Everybody is aware of the situation and keep an eye on the kid until they're happy reunited with their family.

Image credits: Active_Lettuce325
Free entry to all state owned museums. It's one thing I love about Ireland is you can just stroll into the National Gallery or National History museum on your lunch break or whatever for free.

Image credits: fedupofbrick
Mandatory 4 week paid vacations. As an American living in Germany, it’s f*****g incredible.

Image credits: therwinther
“Another thing that makes it easy for first-time travelers is the fact that Japanese people are so friendly and hospitable to visitors (and it's an extraordinarily safe country). There are so many other aspects of traveling around Japan that make it so traveler-friendly, for example, the fact that everything runs so smoothly and efficiently (bullet trains always being on time as just one example!).”
Australia: Telling rude customers to get the f**k out.

Image credits: Emergency-Twist7136
Wearing a face mask when you're sick and in public. Even if it's not COVID, I'd rather not get sick and have to use PTO to recover or work 8 hours while sick.

Image credits: Gobnobbla
I‘m from Luxembourg.
It‘s not really a tradition, but we have free public transport, and I think it should be like this everywhere!
Naturally, we were curious to hear what cultural traditions and norms from Japan he finds interesting and useful. “I find that people in Japan tend to practice mindfulness in daily life, without being pretentious about it. There is a culture of respect in Japan that our travelers always comment on. Wherever you go (whether a fancy restaurant or a convenience store), the service is amazing because people tend to take such care in everything they do.”
Stop idolising/deifying politicians & veterans. .
Siestas!! they’re perfect for recharging and staying productive.

Image credits: WholesomeThyme
İn South Africa we have something called Ubuntu. Literally it means "I am because you are". İn practise it means doing for others not because you have to, but because you want to and it is good for the community as a whole.
Bike roadway systems and streets with no cars allowed.
I am from Finland, I think other countries should also start giving out baby boxes.
And you should also have saunas in every house, but this should have gone without saying. .

Image credits: Live_Angle4621
The Japanese practice of mindful eating, which focuses on savoring and appreciating each bite, could benefit the world.

Image credits: fast_foof_tsaf
"dia de muertos" i really apreciate the close relationship we have with the concept of mortality in Mexico and it also allow us to have our grief in small doses, in our culture death is not something painted so terrible.
Allemansrätten - or The Freedom to Roam.
Take care of the environment, leave it as you found it, and go wherever you please without having to worry about invading private property.
Taiwan's “Trash doesn’t touch the ground” system.
Basically, instead of holding onto your trash/recycling until a specific trash day and remembering to wheel the bins out, a truck goes around to set points each day and plays a jaunty ice cream truck esque song so you know it's time to toss the trash (there's also a phone app).
Not only does this make composting + recycling a breeze since there's a separate bin for food scraps you just dump your veggie peels from a meal into and there are people to help you sort recycling out (Taiwan has one of the highest recycling/lowest waste rates in the world), but it's really nice to just catch up with your neighbors while you wait for the truck to come around. Also the cities are super clean despite there being like zero trash cans, which is pretty neat!
The Japanese ability for people to just mind their own business and not feel a constant need to make a statement.
Not wearing shoes inside the house.
Queuing. Having travelled the world a decent amount I love coming back to the uk where we wait for our turn. Japan was the best place I’ve been to for this and good manners overall.
Not talking or making a lot of noise on public transportation.

Image credits: EndedUpFine
NZ, I love the “nope we’re shut” of Christmas and new Years, and often well into January too. Stuff off, we’re at the beach…..
Japan - onsens, and a culture of reasonably priced vending machines selling a range of delicious hot and cold drinks
Finland - saunas, and the approach of ‘enjoy the nature we have, and don’t be stupid about it’
UK - museums and galleries funded by the government so they can allow free entry
Georgia - when three people get together they just HAVE to start singing, which is really fun. Not two - you need three for a proper polyphonic singalong.
The art of taking a long, leisurely lunch to truly enjoy food and conversation.

Image credits: SassyGemx
Basically staying at the table drinking coffee / schnapps, eating cake, chatting or playing cards with people after lunch.
Free public pools. Nothing like grabbing your kid at the daycare after work and ending the day enjoying the nice summer evenings at the pool. You meet the whole neighborhood there and just enjoy life.
Could you do it if you had to pay entry each time? Yes. Would you do it? No.

Image credits: Vlip
Public transport that works in cities.

Image credits: straightedge74
Bidets. Toilets are a serious business in Japan, as I discovered.
Social distancing and personal space.
And sauna.