TV actor Sara Khan has been under fire ever since she shared a new selfie, which presumably showed her after a lip surgery. The actor had shared the photo to announce a new music video starring her but her followers on social media could not look beyond the ‘lip job’.
“Something exciting for the (Sapna Babul ka) bidaai lovers as it’s my turn to return the love I got. Recreating bidaai’s Track for u all , dedicated to all the bride to be ,as this season I see a lot of marriages taking place ❤️ Super fun Track is on its way for u all with,” the actor posted, leading to a slew of negative comments.
Now, in an interview to entertainment website Bollywoodlife, Sara has said that trolling doesn’t affect her. “I’m loving it and laughing at it. The haters can go to any extent to get the attention and I’m used to trolling,” she is quoted as saying.
Sara said that she has not exactly undergone a surgery, adding this is the first procedure of any kind that she has ever tried, “I’ve used lip fillers actually, it is not a lip surgery. So, the people who are saying its lip surgery, are wrong. It’s a lip filler.”
She added that she is happy with the result. “There is news coming up that my lip surgery has gone wrong. I just want to share that my lip surgery has got completely amazingly done. And I love it myself so much. I’m loving it.”
First Published: Jan 12, 2019 13:05 IST