A San Francisco woman, known for her history of alleged threatening encounters with children and their caregivers at parks across the city, pleaded not guilty during her first court appearance on Monday. The 37-year-old woman, Kim Andrews, has faced charges in four separate criminal cases over the past four years for allegedly approaching and threatening children in public spaces, including playgrounds.
The most recent incident, which led to her court appearance, took place in Golden Gate Park on July 19. Andrews reportedly approached a woman and her 18-month-old toddler along the park path, holding a lighter and an aerosol can of Lysol, while screaming threatening statements.
Charged with one count of child endangerment and one count of making criminal threats in connection with the July incident, Andrews' defense attorney informed the court that she had spent 120 days receiving psychiatric care at a hospital after her last arrest and had entered a mental health conservatorship in November.
Expressing concern about Andrews' mental health needs, her attorney emphasized the importance of her receiving proper care and services. However, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Kenneth Wine deemed the reported encounters as 'horrific' and 'extraordinarily threatening,' labeling Andrews as a danger to the public.
Andrews has a history of prior arrests on charges including battery, robbery, shoplifting, and criminal threats, as per court records. Prosecutors have moved to keep her detained pending trial, citing public safety risks. District Attorney Brooke Jenkins emphasized the commitment to ensuring the safety of children in the city and vowed to pursue justice for the affected family.