Samsung on Monday launched the Galaxy M10 and M20 smartphones in India. The two smartphones belong to the new Galaxy M-series, which is aimed at budget conscious, tech-savvy and, most importantly, young audiences. Samsung also announced its plans to launch another smartphone in the series, the Galaxy M30, in the coming months.
The M10 and M20 come with some radically new design changes—for Samsung. The two smartphones sport a polycarbonate (read plastic) unibody design with Samsung's rendition of a notched display—the Infinity-V display. Remember, it is the same company that took pride in skipping the notch in its displays.
These choices, along with two new chipsets, are crucial for Samsung to crack open the sub- ₹15,000 and sub- ₹10,000 segment, which is currently dominated by Chinese players like Redmi, Realme and Honor.
The Samsung Galaxy M20 comes with a 6.3-inch FHD+ Infinity-V display. The Infinity-V display is nothing but a teardrop notch on Samsung's LCD panel with a resolution of 2340x1080. The Galaxy M10 has a lower spec 6.2-inch HD+ display with a resolution of 1520x720 and the same Infinity-V notch.
Both smartphones feature a glossy plastic back without any colour gradients or patterns and come in Ocean Blue and Charcoal Black colour trims.
The Galaxy M20 is powered by Samsung's new in-house Exynos 7904 octa-core processor. It is based on a 14nm process and is equipped two ARM Cortex-A73 cores that run at 1.8GHz for heavy computational tasks and six Cortex-A53 cores at 1.6GHz for everyday lightweight tasks. This is paired with up to 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage.
The Galaxy M10 is powered by the Exynos 7870 processor armed with eight Cortex-A53 cores clocked at 1.6GHz. Memory and storage options in the Galaxy M10 go up to 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage.
Both Galaxy M20 and Galaxy M10 come with dedicated storage slot expandable to 512GB and have dual SIM VoLTE support.
In terms of optics, the Galaxy M20 boasts a dual camera setup with a 13MP+5MP configuration. While the 13MP sensor has a lens with regular field of view, the 5MP sensor has a ultra-wide angle lens sitting on top of it. At the front, the smartphone comes with an 8MP sensor for selfies.
The Galaxy M10 comes with the same 13MP+5MP setup at the rear but a 5MP sensor at the front.
The Galaxy M20 is backed by a 5,000mAh battery and ships with a 15W charger. It has a USB Type-C port for charging and connectivity.
The Galaxy M10 comes with a 3,400mAh battery and ships with a regular 9W charger. It has a Micro USB port for charging and connectivity.
The Galaxy M20 comes with all three biometrics and unlocking options—screen unlocking (pattern and alphanumeric), fingerprint scanner and facial unlocking. The Galaxy M10 misses out on the fingerprint scanner and only has the regular screen unlock and facial recognition.
Both smartphones run Android Oreo 8.1 with the new Samsung Experience 9.5 UI running atop. There's no word on when Pie will come to the two devices.
The Samsung Galaxy M20 is priced at ₹12,990 for the 4GB/64GB variant, while the 3GB/32GB variant costs ₹10,990. Galaxy M10 is priced at ₹8,990 for the 3GB/32GB variant and ₹7,990 for the 2GB/16GB. The smartphones would be available on and from 5 February, 2019.