I'm A Celebrity 2023 episode 11 saw Nick and Nigel doing a water-based Bushtucker Trial, Sam getting a bloody surprise, and Frankie telling campmates more about his time as a jockey.
There was also another Kiosk Kev challenge, but did the celebrities manage to win a treat for camp?
Here's what happened in I'm A Celebrity episode 11 last night...
Sam, you've got red on you
‘This place sucks!’ But the leech sucks more @SamThompsonUK 😘 #ImACeleb pic.twitter.com/lXY9boh1uINovember 29, 2023
Camp leader Sam didn’t enjoy his first morning waking up in the camp leader’s bus, after finding a leech on his bottom. Not the best start to his time as the leader!
Marvin pointed out: "You have blood on you."
Sam yelled: “Oh, no! A leech! Oh no. That’s dicey, Marv. Oh my god, it’s had a field day!"
In the Bush Telegraph, Sam was grossed out saying: "I had a leech attached to my a***. I felt so violated."
Marvin added: "The first night on the team bus definitely wasn’t the best start to the morning for our camp leader. He certainly woke up on the wrong side of the leech"
As Sam brushed his teeth, Fred asked: "Was it a big one? On the butt? Show me. Ah, that’s OK."
Fred in the Bush Telegraph explained: “He showed me his derriere; it's a tiny little speckle on his butt. I know it’s red and there was blood, but come on mate.”
Meanwhile, Fred told Sam about the stock cubes, which he cried over in the last episode: “Want some good news? I cooked the rice with the stock.”
Praising the decision, Tony added in the Bush Telegraph: "I ate my first full portion of rice. It was a very smart decision [buying the stock cubes in the jungle vending machine]."
Frankie's wild ride
Frankie's wild ride as a jockey stuns the Campmates 🐎 #ImACeleb pic.twitter.com/5tueaVnu6cNovember 29, 2023
Frankie spoke to the campmates about his career and the nerves he faces saying: "I can control it now, I love it. It’s horrible, but it’s great."
Josie asked: “Who pays you then Franks to ride the horses?”
Frankie said: "The body."
Josie confirmed: "Oh, the jockey club. So if you win, or come first, second or third…"
Revealing the rules, Frankie said: “First four get paid.”
Josie replied: "What? So you could go to a race and not get paid?"
Frankie elaborated, saying: "We get £160 to ride the horse. But if we have a million pound race, I get £100,000 - I get 10%, around there. You’ve got to win the big races to make a good living. To get the big races you need a good horse. And to get a good horse, you’ve got to work for a big stable, it’s how it works."
Frankie also spoke about some of the other rules for jockeys including: "If you’re one pound lighter you’re disqualified."
Sam asked: "Why are you not allowed to be heavier?"
Frankie explained: "Because you’re cheating the public. The public bet on you and expect the horse to carry the weight."
Of winning at Ascot Frankie said: "I’m the first one to win seven straight. There were only seven, I won them all. Seven races, I won the lot."
Sam said: "He’s the best jockey that’s ever lived!"
Frankie said: "They even put a statue - I have two statues now."
Jamie Lynn was impressed, adding: "Oh my god, he’s the coolest person here."
Nick and Nigel are in too deep
Nick and Nigel were the latest two campmates to face a Bushtucker Trial and Ant asked them: "Why do you think it was you two voted for to come down and join us today"
Nigel said: "Don’t know. They kept picking all the women, so I guess it was time for the blokes to have a go. I can’t see any other reason."
Dec explained: "This is In Too Deep. It takes place in these two giant water tanks behind you. You’ll need to free those stars that are trapped at the bottom. You do this by releasing the spanners that are up there on the side of the tank.
Then you’ll use them to unscrew the bolts that are holding the stars in place. When the stars are removed, you can collect them and get them in your bag. Only stars in your bag at the end of the Trial will count."
Ant added: "You’ll take it in turns collecting one star at a time. This is a Bushtucker Trial, expect the unexpected."
"You’ve got 11 minutes to get 11 stars. You can stop the Trial at any point by saying ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!’ and we’ll stop the Trial, but then you will forfeit any further stars. The other celebrity can play on to get their stars, but with half the time. And of course, you don’t have to do it. You can say, ‘No thanks lads’ but you’ll go back to camp empty handed."
Nigel enthused: “We’ll do our best.”
With water spiders on him, Nigel said: "I don’t mind that, it’s the water that worries me."
As he attempted to unscrew the stars, Nigel said: "I can’t do this."
Nigel opted to pass on the star, so it returned to Nick to try.
As he continued his efforts to get stars, Nick exclaimed: “It’s a crocodile!”
Nigel also chose to pass on his next one, confirming: "No, I’m done, sorry. Can’t do it. Get me out of here."
Dec explained: “Because Nigel has gone, we half the time. You’ve got 1.5 minutes to get your last two stars, Nick.”
At the end of the Trial, Nigel said: “I wasn’t worried about the snakes.”
Ant asked: "It was the water for you wasn’t it?"
Nigel said: "Just can’t do it. I let the side down."
Nick said: “Don’t be stupid, we’ve got six."
Ant and Dec confirmed as Nick counted out his stars on the ground that he’d found six stars, not bad for a solo effort!
Fred and Danielle visit Kiosk Kev
Fred and Danielle arrived at a road sign themed challenge together.
Kiosk Kev said: "G’day celebrities. Today’s Deals on Wheels challenge will put you in a very sticky situation. All you need to do is match the road signs with the correct meaning. The traffic light will go green if you get it correct. Get all six in the right place and you’ll win those Dingo Dollars."
Danielle admitted: "So I failed six times my driving test. Six! Sorry…"
Dressed in workwear, they tried to figure out how best to walk across the sticky road.
Danielle said: "That floor was the stickiest thing I’ve ever stepped on!"
During the game they looked to match the road sign of an uneven road, minimum speed, no vehicles, river bank and more.
Fred said: “We got some wrong, it happens.”
They completed the challenge and visited Kiosk Kev.
Thankfully, they got the question right after being asked how many ‘doof doofs’ are in the EastEnders theme tune - the correct answer being 9 - and they won some crisps.