Say it with me: gray hairs belong on our heads. Whether you choose to embrace the color altogether (otherwise known as the Andie MacDowell route) or blend your strands in for a whole new look (hi, Jennifer Aniston!), there are so many ways to do gray right—and absolutely no ways to do it wrong.
Our newest favorite ambassador of the color? Salma Hayek, who first decided to let her grays live their best life earlier this year. Now, she's letting them shine once again: This time with BFF Penélope Cruz by her side. At a Beverly Hills luncheon put on by the 57-year-old to celebrate Cruz's new film, Ferrari, the actresses sat together for some selfies, letting the camera capture their different takes on brunette excellence.

While Cruz is currently going with a subtle ombré look, Hayek chose a uniform tone—save for the natural strands. As you can see in the above photo, they weave perfectly into her dark locks.
"Embracing and enhancing natural grays will continue to be on-trend. This look celebrates authenticity and individuality, with soft transitions that create a harmonious blend," shared celebrity colorist Abby Haliti while discussing 2024 color trends in an exclusive interview with Marie Claire.
Celebrity hairstylist and RŌZ founder Mara Roszak shared the same sentiment with Marie Claire earlier this season. "I’m seeing a lot of people embrace their natural color and not shy away from graying hair. It all comes down to hair health and going back to basics," she shared.
Cruz discussed her grays in an Instagram post this summer, when she posted a silver-stranded selfie with a silly caption that warned fans not to wear glasses on their head if trying to hide the silver. "Bring on the wisdom," she wrote. I, for one, couldn't agree more.