Saints Row is a ludicrous open world action series about doing ludicrous things with ludicrous powers (and, also, dildo bats). Abilities you unlock throughout Saints Row the Third let you sprint forever, reload guns instantly, and walk away from explosions without a scratch, but it doesn't have the fourth game's crazy super powers, which give you telekinesis and let you super jump across the world. With these Saints Row 3 cheats, however, you can still play god.
The Saints Row the Third cheats below let you spawn in weapons and vehicles, and also let you manipulate some of the game's major systems. You can change the weather, earn instant gang notoriety, or turn all the pedestrians into zombies.
How to use cheats in Saints Row the Third

How to use Saints Row the Third cheats
Inputting these cheat codes in Saints Row 3 is simple. In-game, pull up your cell phone (Tab on keyboard, Back button on Xbox controller). Select Extras and then Cheats. That's right—there's a dedicated cheats menu.
Once you've got the menu handy: Select Cheats, then Add Cheats, and finally type in one of the cheat codes below and click Accept. And that's it. Cheat added.
Saints Row the Third cheats
Saints Row the Third ability and item cheats
- cheese - Get $100,000
- letsrock - Get all weapons
- lolz - Gang notoriety +1
- oops - Remove gang notoriety
- pissoffpigs - Police notoriety +1
- goodygoody - Remove police notoriety
- whatitmeanstome - Gain respect
- goldengun - One-hit kills
- runfast - Gain infinite sprint
- repaircar - Fix car
- vroom - Your vehicle is invulnerable
- isquishyou - Your vehicle crushes others
Saints Row the Third world cheats
- notrated - Everyone killed explodes into a bloody mess
- fryhole - Dead bodies float into the air
- brains - Zombie pedestrians
- dui - Drunk pedestrians
- mascot - Mascot pedestrians
- hohoho - 'Pimp and ho' pedestrians
- clearskies - Sunny weather
- overcast - Cloudy weather
- lightrain - Rainy weather
- heavyrain - Heavy rainy weather

Saints Row the Third weapon spawn cheats
- givesheperd - Get 45 Shepherd
- giveapoca - Get Apocafists
- givear55 - Get AR 55
- giveultimax - Get AS3 Ultimax
- givebaseball - Get baseball bat
- givechainsaw - Get chainsaw
- givecyber - Get Cyber Buster
- givecybersmg - Get Cyber Blaster
- giveblossom - Get D4TH Blossom
- giveelectric - Get electric grenade
- giveflamethrower - Get flamethrower
- giveflashbang - Get flash bang
- givelauncher - Get GL G20 Grenade Launcher
- givedigger - Get Grave Digger
- givegrenade - Get grenade
- givekrukov - Get K-8 Krukov
- givekobra - Get KA-1 Kobra
- givesniper - Get McManus 2015
- giveminigun - Get Minigun
- givemolotov - Get molotov
- givesword - Get Nocturne
- givercgun - Get RC Possessor
- givedrone - Get Reaper Drone
- giverpg - Get RPG
- givehammer - Get S3X Hammer
- giveairstrike - Get SA-3 Airstrike
- givesatchel - Get satchel charge
- giverocket - Get Shock Hammer
- givesonic - Get Sonic Boom
- givestungun - Get stun gun
- givetek - Get TEK Z-10
- givedildo - Get The Perpetrator
- giveslm8 - Get Viper Laser Rifle
Saints Row 3 vehicle spawn cheats
- giveambulance - Spawn ambulance
- giveanchor - Spawn Anchor
- giveattrazione - Spawn Attrazione
- givebootlegger - Spawn Bootlegger
- givechallenger - Spawn Challenger
- givecommander - Spawn Commander
- givecondor - Spawn Condor
- giveeagle - Spawn Eagle
- giveestrada - Spawn Estrada
- givevtol - Spawn F69 Vtol
- givegatmobile - Spawn Gatmobile
- givekaneda - Spawn Kaneda
- givekenshin - Spawn Kenshin
- giveknoxville - Spawn Knoxville
- givekrukov - Spawn Krukov
- givemiami - Spawn Miami
- givemunicipal - Spawn Municipal
- givenforcer - Spawn Nforcer
- givepeacemaker - Spawn Peacemaker
- givephoenix - Spawn Phoenix
- givequasar - Spawn Quasar
- givereaper - Spawn Reaper
- givesandstorm - Spawn Sandstorm
- giveshark - Spawn Shark
- givespecter - Spawn Specter
- givesquasar - Spawn Squasar
- givestatusquo - Spawn Status Quo
- givetaxi - Spawn Taxi
- givetitan - Spawn Titan
- givetoad - Spawn Toad
- givetornado - Spawn Tornado
- givevortex - Spawn Vortex
- givevtol - Spawn VTOL
- givevulture - Spawn Vulture
- givewidowmaker - Spawn Widowmaker
- givewoodpecker - Spawn Woodpecker