Congratulations to everyone reading this. You survived spooky Scorpio Season and for that, you deserve to enjoy Sagittarius Season 2024 in all its glory!
As Scorpio Season comes to a close, in its place comes Sagittarius Season, bringing the archer’s adventurous energy into our lives, just in time for summer (yiewwww!).

Cheers binches!
What is Sagittarius Season 2024?
While Scorpio was, as I put it last month, the dark mistress of the zodiac, Sagittarius is the energetic firecracker who cannot sit still, which is perfect considering the next few seasons are gonna be crazy busy.
I’m assuming the last month or so was an emotional mess for you what with the sensitive water element vibe of Scorp Sun, so now you want nothing more than to shake that energy off and have some fun, with no strings attached.
Sagittarius energy is all about adventure, and that’s exactly what you need to embrace this season. Sagittarians love to explore new places, learn new things and break out of old routines.
Get ready to embrace knowledge, abundance, expansion, and generosity.
So brush off the dust that accumulated in 2024 and get ready to shimmy into the new year with optimism and positivity.

Sagittarius Season 2024 is going to be a wild ride!
What does it mean for each star sign?
As we know, each astrological season’s energy can impact the signs in different ways, and sadly it won’t be a total party for my earth signs.
The main reason for this is because Sagittarius Season is a time to be adventurous and free — and grounded, goal-oriented earth signs usually have a harder time letting their hair down.
Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will likely cop the brunt of the silly season. They’ll be stressing over gift giving, the overspending and their general disdain for the bedlam and mayhem that ensues.
I know you folks hate being told what to do, but try taking a leaf out of your fire sign pals’ book by letting go of the care factor and all those responsibilities and just enjoy yourself.
Write those lists, buy those pressies, and sort your end-of-year work shit out ASAP so you can let go and have a damn good time.
The energy of Sagittarius Season will bring clarity to my Cancer sign pals and you’ll realise that someone in your inner circle has been taking your kindness and compassion for granted and using your friendship to benefit them. Channel the Sagittarian strength and revoke this person’s access to your life.
As for Libra babes, this season is all about R&R (rest and recovery) for you. Cancel any and all plans to chill the fuck out and look after yourself.
To avoid burning out by the end of the season, it’s definitely be wise for you to sit some events out and reserve your strength (and $$$) for a select few shindigs.
Speaking of dollar, dollar bills, Scorpios will be wise to take stock of their finances and avoid overspending at this time.

All Scorpios should keep your cashola in your bank account where it belongs (unless you’re Kris Jenner).
The last thing you wanna do is enter the new year eating nothing but 2-minute noodles and avoiding group hangs ‘cos you’ve blown your budget too soon.
But on the positive side, now is a powerful period for 2025 manifesting — find some time to create a vision board to help you bring your dreams to life.
The season of the fire sign will light a fire under the relationships of bb Geminis. You’ll feel a shift in the waters, relationship wise, and the key message here is to make smart decisions. Feel with your heart, but 1000 per cent think with your head as well.
Networking opportunities will be all around for Aquarius peeps and if you play your cards right, you might even find a professional break.
And as for my fishy Pisces fronds, defs don’t drop the ball at work now that the year’s coming to a close because your hard work could lead to a well-deserved promotion.
Summon that positive and enthusiastic Sagi energy to put in the hard yards. Your efforts will be rewarded.
Now, where are my fire signs at?
It’s your time to shine, my dears.
Intensity-filled Scorpio season was the harshest on your sign so you, of all people, will be embracing Sagittarius season with open arms.
You’ve been in major need of an adventure and after months of dealing with everyone’s shit, now’s the time to let go and be free.
Aries, if you’ve been pondering whether or not you should book a summer vacay, let this be your sign that the answer is Y-E-S.
Now is not the time for restricting yourself and with celestial energy on your side, I’d recommend giving your travel agent a bell ASAP.
This time is also about self-reflection and transformation for you.
Leo, as with your fire sign pals, you’ll finally earn the recognition you’ve been craving all year.
It’s also a time to get the hell out there and be your typical social butterfly self — you are on ~fire~ RN, it’d be a shame to keep yourself concealed from the world. Get out there and energy the fire sign energy!
And we’ve saved the best ’til last, our birthday babe Sagittarius.
Expect good fortune, growth, and synchronicity. Take risks, make changes, have a bloody ball.
Whatever plans you’ve been thinking of doing but were to afraid to put into action, now’s the time, bb.
See y’all on the other side.
Meanwhile, head here to read your November horoscopes 2024 to see what you’re in for over the next few weeks.
Matt Galea is PTV’s Deputy Editor and resident astrologer. He recently released his first book titled How To Spot The (Star) Signs. You can find him on Instagram and TikTok.
The post Sagittarius Season 2024 Is Here To Save You From Chaos, Here’s What It Means For Each Star Sign appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .