The new landlady at a Nottinghamshire village pub has decided to call time just six months after taking over. Locals welcomed the return of the Four Bells in Woodborough after a lengthy closure during the pandemic.
But landlady Beccy Webster has announced this will be her last month at the Tudor-style pub in Main Street. Villagers were notified by an announcement on Facebook.
It said: "It’s been a whirlwind of a 6 months, but unfortunately September will be our last month at The Four Bells - Woodborough. We have taken the hard decision as a family to not continue this journey. We thank you all for the support you have given us."
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Ms Webster, who also runs the Gedling Inn, took over the Four Bells earlier this year and spruced it up ready for reopening in April. At the time she described it as "a lovely village and a lovely little pub" and said it was "both scary and exciting at the same time."
She said her decision to leave was down to many factors. "As a family we decided it was for the best to leave although it wasn't an easy decision. Increasing bills definitely played a part in how viable it was to stay for a longer term. There will definitely be many things we will miss about the Four Bells and Woodborough as a community," she said.
Owners Star Pubs & Bars are now advertising for a new tenant at the pub which has an annual rent of £44,092 and an estimated annual profit of £44,690.
A spokesperson said: "Our aim is to keep the Four Bells at Woodborough open and to that end, we are working to find a suitable licensee to run it on a temporary basis, until a long-term licensee is recruited. The Four Bells is a beautiful village pub with a great reputation."

Pub-goers said they are sorry to see Ms Webster go after making a good impression within those six months. Villagers said the pub was a credit to her and that the food and service were excellent.
One woman said: "Oh what a shame. Have only just moved to the village and only been in a couple of times but you seemed to be doing so much good stuff. Hope whoever takes it on carries on your good work." Another said: "Well done to you and the team, for returning the pub to the village and all the work you put into it."
Nottinghamshire Live contacted Ms Webster for a comment.