South Australia is considering a major overall of renting laws as rising interest rates and cost of living pressures impact the housing market.
The state government has released a discussion paper ahead of likely reforms to residential tenancy rules.
On the table is the issue of making it easier for people who have pets to find rental accommodation and a ban on rent bidding, where properties go to those able to offer more than the advertised price.
The government will also consider introducing standardised application forms, setting maximum bond amounts and extending the notice required for not renewing a tenancy agreement.
Consumer and Business Affairs Minister Andrea Michaels urged tenants, landlords and housing organisations to have their say on proposed changes.
She said the review was an important first step in ensuring the state's residential tenancies laws were modern, covered relevant issues and worked in the best interests of both tenants and landlords.
"As Australia continues to face a widespread rental crisis with lack of stock and affordability issues, it's been one of my priorities to ensure we have contemporary, effective residential tenancies laws in this state," she said.
"With cost-of-living pressures putting a real strain on household budgets across the board, now is the right time to look at how the rental property market has evolved, what people expect and how we can make our laws modern and fair."
Earlier this year the South Australian Greens pushed for rent increases to be capped and limited to one every two years.
"At the moment, South Australian renters are at the mercy of the market and a housing system that's stacked against them," Greens MP Robert Simms said at the time.
His comments came after data from the state's housing authority showed there had been a 20 per cent increase in rental prices over the past two years.