S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is a relentless game about trekking through the most hazardous place on earth. Almost everything in this hazardous hellscape can (and will) slaughter you, and that’s if its distressed denizens don’t finish the job first.
But that’s not to say there isn’t beauty in this wasteland. The Zone is full of scenic spots perfect for taking a beat from the horrors. And no place is this more true than the Poppy Field. Don’t get me wrong: this place will still end you. But it's still a gorgeous sight to behold.
Lucky for players just jumping in, an early quest sends Skif to this dream-like location in search of an ally’s lost heirloom. There are few decisions to make when setting off to the Poppy Field, so it doesn’t hurt to get a little help. Fortunately, here’s a guide for completing The Poppy Field questline.
Starting S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2’s The Poppy Field Quest

Players can start The Poppy Field once they’ve settled into Zalissya. In the same building where Hamster the weapons trader is (and the player’s bed and stash are) is an NPC and fellow Stalker named Mityay seated by the exit to the village. If you speak to Mityay, he reveals that years ago his family lost a Religious Icon that was important to them. Agree to fetch the long-lost item to kick things off.
If you do, he’ll share the coordinates for where it was last seen. The Poppy Field is northwest of Zalissya. Before heading that way, however, make sure you’re fully stocked up on Non-Stop Energy Drinks (at least six) if you don’t already have a bunch in your inventory. You should be able to purchase them from Warlock, the barkeep. The canned refreshers will be crucial for completing the quest.
We also highly recommend giving Hamster a visit to restock on ammo. If you have the extra koupons, it is also worth stopping next door by Lens the Technician’s shop to repair your primary firearm. There’s no telling what you may bump into between Zalissya and The Poppy Field, and being prepared is better than being stuck.
Finding Pomar In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2’s Poppy Field

If you make it to Mityay’s coordinates in one piece, you’ll come across a suspiciously quaint field of red. Resist the urge to frolic through the inviting scene before you — standing among the flowers will gradually lull you to sleep. The permanent kind. Feel free to stop for a second to take it all in, but you’ll want to head towards the home on the east side of this abandoned village to progress the quest.
Inside, you’ll find a man named Pomar. Speak to him to get the full explanation of what the Poppy Field is (the lore here is pretty cool, actually) before mentioning that you’re here to help a fellow Stalker find a Religious Icon.
Pomar reveals that he knows exactly where the heirloom is, but he’s not going to just give up that information without getting something in exchange. The player has three choices: do him a solid by collecting a bunch of weapons from the hapless souls who met their demise peacefully in the Poppy Field, pay up 2,000 coupons for its location, or venture out alone searching for the item yourself.
Doing Pomar’s bidding will open an alternate way to finish the quest. Searching for the quest item alone isn’t impossible, but can be much more frustrating due to the location’s trippy effects. Let’s start with the latter.
Into The Poppy Field in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

No matter which option you choose, players have to contend with surviving the fields. Doing so is relatively simple — slam energy drinks often. Walking through the field will cause Skif to doze off and hear voices speaking to him. He may even close his eyes fully only to wake up in an entirely different part of the field. There’s no way to determine when the field is about to claim you, so the best course of action is to keep an eye on the blue energy meter below your health bar and to crack open a can every few dozen seconds. You should also hot key the item to avoid wasting precious seconds scurrying through your backpack.
If you choose to help Pomar, make your way to the five coordinates he’s given littered throughout the field. Collect the rifles and ammo on each of these bodies before making your way back. You’ll likely be thrown back to the start a few times while exploring the field, but be persistent. You’ll also want to keep an eye out for energy drinks stored in some of the village homes as you can never have too many to stave off the deep sleep. Once you have all of the weapons, return them back to Pomar in exchange for the icon’s exact location.
For the more self-minded Stalkers out there, we can just tell you where the Religious Icon is.
Locating the cellar

Head towards the two abandoned homes in the distance across the field, and drink one energy drink on the way. Walking between both of them, you’ll notice the ground slope downward. Face west, then just one notch towards the east on your compass.
Continue to follow the slope until you notice a hole in the ground. There’s a ladder leading down into the cellar where the religious icon is waiting to be picked up. The quest isn’t over just yet.
Decide The Fate Of The Religious Icon in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

There are two options once you have the quest item in your possession. The first is to return it back to Mityay as promised. However, Pomar is willing to hand over a valuable AR416 rifle in exchange for the icon.
We’d recommend returning the item to Mityay. He rewards the player with 1000 koupons upon completing the quest as originally planned. While Pomar’s offer is a solid one for Stalkers early on in the game, players will have to spend cash at a technician to repair it upfront. You’re better off finding more useful weapons adventuring elsewhere in The Zone.