A tragic incident unfolded in the Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih as a Russian ballistic missile struck a residential building, resulting in the death of at least one person. Local authorities confirmed that the missile strike caused significant damage, with a four-story apartment block bearing the brunt of the impact.
According to Governor Serhii Lysak, the strike led to the death of one individual, while 11 others sustained injuries. Rescue efforts are underway amid concerns that more individuals could be trapped beneath the rubble of the collapsed building.
Social media footage captured the extent of the destruction, showing one side of the building almost entirely reduced to rubble. The mayor of Kryvyi Rih, Oleksandr Vilkul, expressed somber anticipation for potentially distressing updates as the situation unfolds.
Prior to the missile strike, Ukraine's air force issued a warning of a 'ballistic missile strike threat' targeting southern and central regions of the country. Subsequently, reports indicated the presence of a high-speed target heading towards Kryvyi Rih.
This tragic event occurred as Ukraine was gearing up to celebrate Christmas on December 25, aligning its public holiday with the majority of European countries. The decision to adjust the Christmas date was made in July 2023 by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as part of efforts to reinforce Ukraine's national identity in the face of Russia's ongoing invasion.
Reflecting on the situation, Ukraine's human rights ombudsman, Dmytro Lubinets, highlighted the stark contrast between global festivities and the harsh reality faced by Ukrainians enduring relentless attacks from Russia.