In a devastating nighttime attack, a Russian drone struck an apartment building in northeastern Ukraine, causing significant damage and loss of life. The incident occurred in Sumy, a major city, where the Shahed drone targeted the residential complex, resulting in the deaths of at least four individuals and injuring nine others.
The drone attack, which took place just after 1 a.m., caused a massive hole in the building, blowing out a wall and surrounding windows. Rescue efforts managed to save four people from the rubble, with one child among the injured. In response to the tragedy, 120 individuals were evacuated from the area.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned the attack, labeling it as a 'terrible tragedy' and a 'terrible Russian crime.' The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, now entering its fourth year, has already claimed the lives of over 10,000 Ukrainian civilians, according to the United Nations.
Aside from direct casualties, civilians in Ukraine have been enduring severe hardships due to Russian attacks on critical infrastructure, such as the power grid, leading to disruptions in heating and water supplies. The relentless assaults have forced many residents to evacuate from areas along the extensive front line, where Ukrainian forces are engaged in a challenging defense against the larger Russian military presence.
During the same night, Russia launched a barrage of more than 80 drones at various locations in Ukraine, as reported by the air force. Despite the intensity of the attacks, most of the drones were either intercepted and shot down or neutralized through electronic jamming techniques.
In a separate incident in Ukraine's southern Odesa region, Russian drones caused damage to a hospital and two apartment buildings. Fortunately, there were no reported injuries in this particular attack, as confirmed by regional authorities.
As the conflict continues to escalate, the impact on civilians and critical infrastructure remains a grave concern. The international community closely monitors the situation, hoping for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing crisis.
For more updates on the war in Ukraine, visit AP's coverage of the conflict.