In the wake of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, the Telangana government has set up helplines at the Telangana Bhavan in New Delhi and the state secretariat to help migrants and students from the state who are stranded in Ukraine. The Union Tourism Minister G Kishan Reddy has also taken up the issue. The Telangana Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar on Friday said in a release the helplines received 75 calls since last night. The Chief Secretary, who held a tele-conference with the Resident Commissioner of Telangana Bhavan in New Delhi and other officials, said the state government is in constant touch with the External Affairs Ministry.
The helpline numbers at Telangana Bhavan are +91 7042566955, +91 9949351270 and +91 9654663661. The email id is The helpline numbers at the Telangana secretariat in Hyderabad are 040-23220603, +91 9440854433. The email id is
Kishan Reddy said he has spoken to the Indian Embassy in Ukraine and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to help the students from southern states. "Spoke to @IndiainUkraine and Hon Minister, @MEAIndia today regarding the students from South India and Telugu speaking states in Ukraine. "MEA is monitoring situation minute-to-minute and has assured all necessary assistance to all in these times of crisis," Reddy tweeted on Thursday.
With the Ukrainian airspace is closed, alternative arrangements are being made for evacuation of Indian citizens, he said. The Union Minister has provided helpline numbers to reach out for any assistance. State BJP president and Lok Sabha member Bandi Sanjay Kumar said a toll- free number has been set up in the state BJP headquarters in Hyderabad to help the Telangana citizens stranded in Ukraine. If details of those stranded in Ukraine are given, efforts would be made to bring them back by getting in touch with External Affairs Ministry officials, a BJP release said. Kumar, who met family members of some students studying in Ukraine, in Karimnagar district on Thursday, spoke to a few students over phone and assured that the Centre is taking steps to bring them back to India, a BJP release said.
(With inputs from agencies)