South Lanarkshire councillors have approved plans to build a rural development centre at Lanark Racecourse.
Councillors at the community and enterprise resources committee meeting approved proposals for a rural development centre at Lanark Racecourse subject to Common Good consultations.
Funding was originally in place from the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF) for a proposed derelict site on Ladyacre Road Lanark.
However, the purchase fell through but an opportunity at Lanark Racecourse on the site of a demolished building was found.
Councillor Robert Brown, the chair of the council’s community and enterprise resources committee said: “This very exciting project will provide excellent facilities for the local community as a whole.
“I am therefore delighted that the committee has agreed to allow this proposal to become a reality and look forward to seeing it progress and provide excellent opportunities for everyone.”
The Scottish Government will fund the project at the new location with the RCGF which is currently at £800,000.
The proposal will now see the creation of a Lanimer Shed and Rural Business centre with car parking which will be let to the occupying organisations.
As well as this, the project will create four full-time construction jobs, 14 existing jobs will be supported within Healthy Valleys, 200 training places supported for volunteer and community groups focused on health and wellbeing, 250 square metres of new build business space, 500sq m of storage space for Lanark Lanimer Committee and two community facilities through the creation of office and business space and a community shed.
Following the councillors approval, agreements will now be sought from interested parties including the Lanark Lanimer Committee and Healthy Valleys.
As the proposed site is part of the Lanark Common Good, a consultation process is underway with the community to fulfil the requirements of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
In addition to these consultations, stakeholders will be provided with regular updates at key milestones throughout the construction at the site.
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