We all have someone we want to win over, even in a video game. Rune Factory 5 lets players pick between 12 bachelors and bachelorettes, all vying for your attention. Presents will help raise their friendship levels way quicker than without in this dating and farming simulator. However, the challenge is finding out what everybody wants. Characters drop hints as you talk to them, but if you don’t want to play this guessing game, we’ve got all the answers.
These lists are accumulated with help from all corners of the internet like Reddit and cross-checked with other sites like TechRaptor. Here are the loves, likes, dislikes, and hated items for each character in Rune Factory 5, plus some notes on the best ones.
Rune Factory 5 Bachelors
Cecil likes fruit. With that in mind, the best early-game gift for him should be Apples from Phoros Woodlands. He also especially likes fossils, but those are harder to find than ever-spawning fruit. He loves Fruit Sandwiches, which are pretty convenient to make because all they take is one Bread (basically, one Flour) and one Strawberry. Pink Melon shouldn’t be too hard to find either if you have all the seeds unlocked, though.
- Birthday: Spring 12
- Loves: Fruit Sandwich, Pink Melon, Relax Tea, Ammonite
- Likes: All fruits, All brooches, Ivory Tusk, Fish Fossil, Ancient Fish Feather Fins, Crystal Skull, Dragon Bones
- Dislikes: Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Hot Milk, Milk Porridge

Martin likes all ores, including Scrap Metal! This should make befriending him early on in the game a breeze, as you can find Iron ores in just about any mineable, stone-studded rock. His master, Darroch, basically likes the same stuff. Later on, Martin will reveal that he loves Fruit Sandwiches. Thankfully, these don’t cost a lot so shouldn’t hurt your pocket. After all, they only need one Bread and one Strawberry to make. If you have any extra Dragonic Stone or Orichalcum, you should be putting it to good use or selling it!
- Birthday: Fall 8
- Loves: Fruit Sandwich, Orichalcum, Dragonic Stone
- Likes: All ores, All fruits, Scrap Metal, Ammonite
- Dislikes: All mushrooms, Abalone, Blowfish, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Blowfish Sashimi, Grilled Blowfish, Butter Grilled Abalone
Murakumo likes simple steamed foods like Dumplings, Manju, and Gyoza. Dumplings in particular are the easiest to make because they only need one ingredient that can be bought at the General Store. Unlike many of the other characters, he dislikes sweets like cakes and chocolate. Another fun quirk? He gives you a return present with just about any item you give him.
- Birthday: Summer 2
- Loves: Grilled Skipjack, Union Stew, Power Gloves, Champion Belt, Hero's Proof
- Likes: All golem stones, Pizza, Seafood Pizza, Dumplings, Meat Dumpling, Manju, Gyoza, Steamed Gyoza, Boiled Gyoza, Big Giant's Nail, Dragon Fang, Blue Giant's Glove,
- Dislikes: Chocolate, French Toast, Pancakes, Cake, Cheesecake, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Sponge Cake
Lucas doesn’t hate anything, but he does have preferences just like everybody else. He likes Crystals of any kind — note that these are different from gems like Amethyst. Udon often comes up as his favorite food, which is great because it only needs one Flour to make. More complex Udon dishes like Fried Udon, Tempura Udon, and Curry Udon are especially appreciated.
- Birthday: Spring 1
- Loves: Tempura, Fried Udon, Tempura Udon, Curry Udon
- Likes: All crystals, All liquids, Udon, Curry Rice, Can, Rare Can, Mysterious Powder
- Dislikes: Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: None

Reinhard especially loves handheld bread. Toast in particular is the best way to save on resources because the recipe only takes one Flour. However, the most interesting “liked” dishes he accepts are Failed Dishes and Disgusting Food. Most villagers will cringe at these catastrophic kitchen experiments. It’s probably a joke because he tells the player he can’t properly appraise what “good quality” foods are because of his upbringing. If you happen to have any failed dishes that you get from cooking (or monster chests), you can pass them over to Reinhard for a friendship boost.
- Birthday: Fall 30
- Loves: Toast, Jam Roll, Sandwich, Level 45+ Farm Tools
- Likes: Turnip Seeds, Pink Turnip Seeds, Strawberry Seeds, Yam Seeds, Potato Seeds, Mail, Iron Shield, Silver Boots, Cold Medicine, Invinciroid, Formuade, Object X, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food
- Dislikes: All crystals, All gems, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal
- Hates: Cores
Ryker likes a combination of convenient dishes including Toast, Baked Onigiri, and Sweet Potato. All of these only need one ingredient to make. He also likes weird occult drops like Mermaid Scales, though you might want to save those for crafting. His favorite gifts include Ice Cream and Croquettes, which aren’t too complicated to make either. Ice Cream wins as the “least expensive” of the two, though. You can use one Milk from your Buffamoo and convert an Apple into Sweet Powder.
- Birthday: Winter 27
- Loves: Croquettes, Ice Cream, Devil Horn, Devil Blood, Mermaid Scales
- Likes: Baked Onigiri, Baked Apple, Toast, Jam Roll, French Fries, Sweet Potato, Glazed Yam, Popcorn, Wind Crystal, Fairy Elixir, Great Hammer Shard, Ancient Fish Feather Fins, Poison King
- Dislikes: Curry Rice, Curry Udon, Curry Bread, Curry Manju, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Ultimate Curry, Royal Curry
Rune Factory 5 Bachelorettes
Beatrice lets you know early on that she loves “Strawberries, stuff like that.” Notably, she also likes Apples. You can pick Apples from a tree in the Phoros Woodlands before you unlock Strawberry seeds. However, once you start growing Strawberries, those will be the go-to gift because of how many of them you can harvest in one square (like 4 to 6 at a time). Cook something Strawberry-related like Strawberry Jam or Strawberry Milk to really impress her!
- Birthday: Winter 14
- Loves: Strawberry Milk, Strawberry Jam, Meteor Strawberry Jam, Mixed Smoothie, Pink Melon, Gold Juice
- Likes: Strawberry, Sultan Strawberry, Meteor Strawberry, Apple, Baked Apple, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Mixed Juice, Bread, Fruit Sandwich, Jam Roll, Cake, Flan, Pumpkin Flan
- Dislikes: Doria, Seafood Doria, Gratin, Seafood Gratin, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Hot Chocolate, Hot Milk, Union Stew
Fuuka loves fish to the point of dreaming of them. She also often mentions “shinies” in reference to her love for gems. Either of these — any fish or gem — should work as a present. Fish are easier to get a hold of early in the game. However, as you unlock dungeons with mineable gems, be on the lookout for rocks covered in green gems. Emeralds are her favorite.
- Birthday: Summer 29
- Loves: Emerald, Marlin, Golden Salmon, Golden Octopus
- Likes: All fish, All gems, All crystal flowers, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Love Crystal, Crystal Skull
- Dislikes: Carrot, Royal Carrot, Green Pepper, Green Pepper Rex, Pickles, Pickled Turnips, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Onion, Ultra Onion, Pickle Mix

Like Fuuka, Lucy happily accepts any fish as a present. However, she also accepts any fruits, poles, and milk. She’s an easy character to shop for in general, which makes her an excellent character to befriend in the beginning. Keep her in mind if you catch any Salmon — she loves Salmon Onigiri!
- Birthday: Fall 16
- Loves: Salmon Onigiri, Tuna, Glitter Snapper, Sacred Pole, Famous Pole
- Likes: All fish, All poles, All fruits, Milk, Monkey Plush
- Dislikes: Ghost Hood, Spider's Thread, Pretty Thread, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Devil Horn, Devil Blood, Crystal Skull
Ludmilla is the town florist, so it makes sense that she’d love flowers. She accepts any flower besides grass as an easy gift, but she especially loves Emery Flowers. Also, she specifically likes Rainbow Trout as a fish. Beware of gifting her any animal fur.
- Birthday: Winter 5
- Loves: Emery Flower, Great Emery Flower, White Crystal, Big White Crystal, Salted Rainbow Trout
- Likes: All flowers (grasses don’t count), All flower seeds, All rings, Rainbow Trout, Rainbow Trout Sashimi, Prelude to Love, Love Scale, Hand-Knit Scarf, Fluffy Scarf
- Dislikes: Fur, Quality Fur, Quality Puffy Fur, Yellow Fur, Penguin Down, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Wolf Fur, Crimson Fur

Priscilla likes everything chocolate, even just the bars. Hot Chocolate is an efficient gift, as it just needs one Chocolate to cook. However, if you have the Milk to spare, then Hot Milk is better because you can get it for free from your Buffamoo every day. Alternatively, you can gift her Pink Cat, Charm Blue, or Fireflower for when you grow them for Chemistry recipes.
- Birthday: Spring 27
- Loves: Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Sponge, Chocolate Cookies, Cake, Yam of the Ages
- Likes: Chocolate, Hot Chocolate, Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Hot Milk, Flan, French Toast, Pancakes, Pink Cat, King Pink Cat, Charm Blue, Great Charm Blue, Fireflower, Big Fireflower, All feathers
- Dislikes: All fish, All liquids, Mushroom, Monarch Mushroom, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Squid, Lamp Squid, Sunsquid
Scarlett enjoys simple foods like Onigiri and Bamboo Rice, which are both easy early recipes for the Cooking Table. Boiled Spinach is also a fairly economic dish to make if you have a Pot and Spinach Seeds. If you have the Shrimp to spare, Scarlett loves Tempura and related dishes like Tempura Bowl.
- Birthday: Summer 18
- Loves: Tempura, Tempura Udon, Tempura Bowl, Golden Octopus Rice, Boiled Rockfish
- Likes: Onigiri, Baked Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Bamboo Rice, Boiled Spinach, Fried Veggies, Milk Porridge, Rice Porridge, Egg Bowl, Octopus Rice
- Dislikes: Cabbage Cakes, Union Stew, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Onion, Ultra Onion
Rune Factory 5 Villagers

Darroch appreciates good ore like a true blacksmith. He happily accepts all ores including Scrap Metal, so it should be easy to befriend him — even easier if you’re visiting Martin at the smithy. Scrap Metal and Ironwork as convenient gifts. If you feel extra generous, you can gift him an Emerald.
- Birthday: Summer 13
- Loves: Emerald, Orichalcum, Dragonic Stone, Splash Star, Gravity Hammer
- Likes: All ores, All crystals, Scrap Metal, Glitter Stone, White Stone, Light Ore, Double Steel, Rune Stone Fragment, Salted Pond Smelt, Salted Cherry Salmon, Salted Char, Salted Taimen
- Dislikes: All pendants, Focus Earring, Witch Earring, Magic Earring, Annette's Necklace, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Hand-Knit Scarf, Fluffy Scarf
Like her sister, Elsje is a chocolate and general sweets lover. Any kind of high-level cake dish like Cake, Chocolate Cake, or Cheesecake is a favorite item. She also likes low-maintenance foods like Onigiri, Bread, and Salad. Onigiri just needs one Rice and a Cooking Table to make, so that’s the most accessible option to early-game players. However, as you rack up the kitchenware, you can make any of the other one-ingredient dishes for other convenient alternatives.
- Birthday: Winter 29
- Loves: Chocolate Sponge Cake, Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, Pancakes
- Likes: Chocolate, Hot Chocolate, Chocolate Cookies, Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Salad, Bread, Toast, Sandwich, Fruit Sandwich, Apple Pie, Grape Liqueur, Yam of the Ages, Flan, French Toast
- Dislikes: Emery Flower Seeds, White Crystal Seeds, Green Crystal Seeds, Red Crystal Seeds, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Gold Turnip Seeds, Gold Cabbage Seeds

Heinz is the crystal shop owner, so it makes sense that he would like all the gemstones. However, gems tend to be more precious early on, so it’s easier to gift him ores like Bronze. He’s not that big a fan of Scrap Metal or Iron, but all other ores more valuable than Bronze should do the trick, too.
- Birthday: Spring 7
- Loves: Crystal Skull
- Likes: All gems, Dragonic Stone, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Orichalcum, Salted Pike, Salted Rainbow Trout, Grilled Needlefish, Grilled Mackerel, Grilled Blowfish, Tuna Teriyaki
- Dislikes: Recovery Potion, Healing Potion, Roundoff, Para-Gone, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Cold Medicine, Antidote Potion
Think of what you would give someone’s kid sister. Some of Hina’s favorites include fruit juices, Hot Milk, Hot Chocolate, and Ice Cream. Apple Juice is the easiest fruit juice to acquire early in the game. As you gather more fruit, you can impress her even more by mixing up Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, or Fruit Smoothie.
- Birthday: Winter 16
- Loves: Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Fruit Smoothie, Stew
- Likes: Apple Juice, Orange Juice, Grape Juice, Pineapple Juice, Fruit Juice, Ice Cream, Strawberry Milk, Hot Milk, Hot Chocolate, Omelet Rice, Seafood Doria, Seafood Gratin, Doria, Gratin
- Dislikes: Tomato, Titan Tomato, Green Pepper, Green Pepper Rex, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Mushroom, Monarch Mushroom

Julian is essentially Hina’s counterpart. Curry items are Julian’s favorite, but Fruit juices, Ice Cream, and French Fries make great alternative gifts for him. If you want to save on Milk and Eggs, do French Fries. However, if you want to gift him a favorite item, consider an Omelet (one Egg and one Milk). Sell your Supreme or Ultimate Curry instead of gifting it.
- Birthday: Winter 17
- Loves: Omelet, Curry Rice, Supreme Curry, Ultimate Curry
- Likes: Apple Juice, Orange Juice, Grape Juice, Pineapple Juice, Fruit Juice, Ice Cream, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Smoothie, Pancakes, French Fries, Curry Bread, Curry Manju, Curry Udon
- Dislikes: Vegetable Juice, Veggie Smoothie, Green Pepper, Green Pepper Rex, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Stew
Radea takes after her sister with her interest in Flan and fruit jam. Apple and Strawberry Jam are the easiest to make from early-game ingredients, but the others work equally as well. Notably, Radea also appreciates scale drops. If you really want to light up Radea’s world, save her one of her favorite scales like a Dragon Scale, Basilisk Scale, or Grimoire Scale.
- Birthday: Summer 26
- Loves: Dragon Fang, Dragon Scale, Basilisk Scale, Stone Dragon Scale, Grimoire Scale
- Likes: All scales, Flan, Pumpkin Flan, Meteor Pumpkin Flan, Apple, Strawberry, Grapes, Apple Jam, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam
- Dislikes: Paralysis Poison, Poison King, Devil Blood, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Viscous Liquid, Dragon Bones

Livia likes sweets, especially Flan. Fruit jam, especially Apple and Strawberry Jam, should be the easiest gifts to give her early on in the game. Apples grow in Phoro Woodlands and Strawberries can be grown on your farm early on in the game after unlocking Strawberry Seeds. Keep Livia in mind when you start growing Pumpkins. Pumpkin Flan stands out among the rest as her favorite food.
- Birthday: Spring 16
- Loves: Pumpkin Flan, Meteor Pumpkin Flan
- Likes: Flan, Ice Cream, Apple Jam, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam, Honey, Rice Porridge, Milk Porridge, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, French Toast, Pancakes, Donuts
- Dislikes: All horns, Dragon Fang, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Dragon Bones
Misaragi basically likes anything that seems like Japanese cuisine. Baked Onigiri and Udon are two of the least complicated gifts to give. After all, they both only need one ingredient that can be bought at the General Store. Once you start growing Eggplant and Radish, Miso Eggplant or Grilled Miso will be convenient options too. Avoid giving her any cheese dishes including Pizza and Doria.
- Birthday: Summer 14
- Loves: Tempura, Tempura Udon
- Likes: Baked Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Udon, Miso Eggplant, Grilled Miso, Boiled Spinach, Rice Porridge, Egg Bowl, Wine, Grape Liqueur, Stew, Grilled Skipjack, Boiled Rockfish, Charm, Magic Charm
- Dislikes: Doria, Seafood Doria, Gratin, Seafood Gratin, Cheese Fondue, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Pizza, Seafood Pizza
Palmo will graciously accept any gift that he doesn’t dislike or hate, but it’s hard to find one he loves. He likes drops from high-level monsters, especially Thunderbird Feather and Devil Horn. Thankfully, he has a few other liked items that are easier to obtain. He actually likes Lumber and Material Stone, which you can get from clobbering away at stones or stumps. An occasional bottle of Wine from the General Store isn’t a bad idea, either.
- Birthday: Spring 9
- Loves: Fairy Elixir, Thunderbird Feather, Devil Horn
- Likes: Lumber, Material Stone, Wine, Moving Branch, Thick Stick, Ancient Fish Feather Fins, Tablet of Truth, Quality Worn Cloth, Grimoire Scale, Big Bird's Comb, Unbroken Ivory Tusk
- Dislikes: Squid, Sunsquid, Lamp Squid, Octopus, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Any dish with Squid or Octopus in it

As a baker, Randalph appreciates nearly any bread dish including basic Bread. Dumplings are another convenient alternative, considering they only take one Rice Flour to make. His favorite bread — Curry Bread, Curry Manju, and Jam Roll — are all equally complicated to make. If you have Carrots and Potatoes and want to save Milk, go for Curry. If you only have fruit for jam, go for Jam Roll.
- Birthday: Fall 4
- Loves: Jam Roll, Curry Bread, Curry Manju
- Likes: Bread, Toast, Dumplings, Steamed Bread, Raisin Bread, Pancakes, Butter Roll, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Sponge Cake, Cheesecake, Basilisk Scale, Stone Dragon Scale
- Dislikes: Rice, Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Baked Onigiri, Rice Porridge, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Milk Porridge, Egg Bowl, Tempura Bowl
Simone loves her shrooms. I’m not even sure if I’ve been giving her poison Mushrooms or not, but she takes them all with a smile on her face. All medicines, including Recovery Potions, and brooches also work as gifts for her.
- Birthday: Summer 5
- Loves: Invinciroid, Levelizer, Sandwich, Syringe
- Likes: All medicines and gem brooches (e.g. Amethyst Brooch), Mushroom, Monarch Mushroom, Wine, Grape Liqueur, Rice Porridge, Vegetable Juice, Relax Tea
- Dislikes: Apple, Mealy Apple, Tomato, Tomato Seeds, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food
- Hates: Titan Tomato

Terry is basically a coffee shop man who loves pendants. Almost any kind of Silver Pendant variation counts as a favorite present of his. As for food, Milk, Toast, and Apples will be the easiest to give him. Gloves, which only take one Cloth or Animal Fur to make, is also an economic alternative.
- Birthday: Summer 24
- Loves: Star Pendant, Sun Pendant, Field Pendant, Dew Pendant, Earth Pendant
- Likes: Milk, Toast, Raisin Bread, Jam Roll, Donuts, Apple, Baked Apple, Mealy Apple, Popcorn, Gloves, Work Gloves, Leather Belt, Proof of Wisdom
- Dislikes: Orange Juice, Mixed Juice, Fruit Smoothie, Mixed Smoothie, Strawberry Milk, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Relax Tea
Yuki always goes on about how she loves Randolph’s bread. However, it’s more economic to gift her Heavy Spice because it only takes a Chemistry Set and Purple Grass to make. If you want the extra friendship boost, give her a Butter Roll once in a while. Those are her favorite, one tier above Jam Roll and Raisin Bread.
- Birthday: Summer 10
- Loves: Butter Roll
- Likes: Raisin Bread, Jam Roll, Apple Pie, Vegetable Juice, Flour, Sour Drop, Sweet Powder, Heavy Spice, Mixed Herbs, Risotto, Seafood Gratin
- Dislikes: Dumplings, Insect Carapace, Pretty Thread, Spider's Thread, Insect Horn, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Viscous Liquid
Rune Factory 4 Visitors
A couple of characters from Rune Factory 4 end up in Rigbarth at the end of the storyline. Many of their likes and dislikes carry over from the old game, so feel free to go off of memory if you have it!
Doug, the General Store owner from Rune Factory 4, has come to Rigbarth to serve as a bridge between the town and the citizens of Norad. He still likes simple rice dishes like plain Rice, Onigiri, Bamboo Rice, and others. Just avoid bread with him and you should be fine.
- Birthday: Fall 6
- Loves: Tempura Bowl
- Likes: Rice, Onigiri, Baked Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Bamboo Rice, Omelet Rice, Fried Rice, Risotto, Rice Porridge, Milk Porridge, Steamed Bread, Doria, Seafood Doria, Egg Bowl, French Toast
- Dislikes: Bread, Toast, Raisin Bread, Jam Roll, Butter Roll, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Cheese Bread, Curry Bread
Margaret has migrated from the town in Rune Factory 4 as a traveling bard. She continues to love fruit, especially high-level drinks made from it like Prelude to Love and Pineapple Juice. However, the most convenient gifts are flowers or fruit of any kind. If you want to cook something, Baked Apples and fruit juices (e.g. Apple Juice) work great. Sweet Potato, too.
- Birthday: Spring 21
- Loves: Prelude to Love, Pineapple Juice
- Likes: All flowers, All fruits, Chocolate, Honey, Fruit Sandwich, Salad, Shrimp, Lobster, Rainbow Trout, Baked Apple, Donuts, French Toast, Dumplings, Pound Cake, Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Steamed Bread, Cheese Bread, Ice Cream, Grape Juice, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Fruit Juice, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Smoothie, Grape Liqueur, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam, Apple Jam, Marmalade, Glazed Yam, Relax Tea, Hot Chocolate, Raisin Bread, Jam Roll, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Sponge, Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Pancakes, Yam, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies
- Dislikes: Skull, Squid, Sunsquid, Lamp Squid, Weeds, Withered Grass, Branch, Rock, Can, Rare Can, Boot, Scrap Metal, Failed Dish, Disgusting Food, Object X
- Hates: Squid Sashimi, Sunsquid Sashimi, Lamp Squid Sashimi, Grilled Squid, Grilled Sunsquid, Grilled Lamp Squid