Roadside garden space along a main entry route into Perth will continue to be an eyesore until the council gets a private landlord to clear up a pile of waste.
Residents have been angered that nothing appears to be happening to remove bags of rubbish accumulating on Dunkeld Road that have been lying there since October.
The pile of gaping bin bags and refuse including a fridge and a settee left to rot in the rain at 35 Dunkeld Road has so far been ignored by council waste teams.
The PA was contacted by a frustrated resident furious that nothing was being done to clean up the roadside dump. “Welcome to Perth, City in Bloom, are you having a laugh? It’s a disgrace.”
Bailie Chris Ahearn, councillor for Perth City Centre said: “This rubbish is a massive source of frustration for me as I have been chasing this up on a weekly basis with the waste team.
“As you are aware, it is on private property and is therefore the responsibility of the owner. I’m afraid this is just one example of residents thinking they can just leave rubbish on the street or side of the street and the council will pick it up.
“Why do residents not think about the environment and where they live? Do all the residents in that block like living in a rubbish tip?
“Unfortunately, if the council was to give in and just pick it up, then others will just do the same and we will have piles of rubbish lying about waiting for the council to take it away off private properties at extra expense, which we cannot afford.”
A Perth and Kinross Council spokesperson said: “The waste deposited on private land outside a block of flats on Dunkeld Road in Perth was reported to us in late October 2022.
“This is clearly an unsightly and unpleasant situation and our environmental health team have been working since then to resolve the matter appropriately.
“As this is private land, it is the responsibility of the landowner to have it removed.
“As such we have requested the landlords concerned to take steps to have the waste removed and formal enforcement notices will be issued shortly to this effect. If this is not done, we will remove the waste and recharge the costs for this work to them.
“We would encourage anyone who is needing to carry out home improvement works or a property clearance to seek advice on proper disposal of household waste.
“Many materials can be taken free of charge to our recycling centres, or be collected via our chargeable Special Uplifts service. Further information is available on”