Late Late Toy Show favourite, Adam King, is set to lead the 'pandemic heroes' segment of the St Patrick’s Day parade this March.
According to organisers, he will be surrounded by frontline workers who will be honoured for their incredible work during the pandemic.
He will also be joined by a group of kids from the Sinead Sheppard Dance School in Cork who will be performing.
The youngster from Killeagh won the hearts of the nation back in 2020 on the annual Toy Show with his "virtual hug" message that soon made its way onto supermarket shelves in the form of a card.
The theme of Adam’s section of the parade is space, with Adam set to sit on a makeshift space shuttle alongside one of his personal heroes, while being "surrounded by astronauts, aliens and stars.”

Taking to Twitter, the eight-year-old's family shared the new and wrote: “Some big announcements coming in the next few's the first!" they said.
“We are SO EXCITED that we are going to be in this year's Dublin @stpatricksfest! Our pageant is called ‘Heroes’.
“More updates on this, and how you can all get involved, very soon!”
This will mark the long-awaited return of festivities after a two-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The theme of this year’s parade is 'connections' as the festival encourages people to “reconnect in Dublin after the unparalleled challenges of recent years”.
It will take place on Thursday, March 17, from Parnell Square to St Stephen’s Green in Dublin.
The parade will also be shown live on RTE so wherever you are in the world, you can still catch all the action.