Royal Christmases are kept fairly private, and aside from the traditional walk to St. Mary Magdalene Church for the Christmas Day service, the Mountbatten-Windsors keep their festive celebrations on December 25th behind Palace doors.
From what we do know however, they are far from relatable.
We are of course talking about the unique royal festive traditions, from entering the dining room in order of title to the annual Christmas weigh-in.
The tradition sees the royal family guests weighed before and after their Christmas lunch on antique scales to ensure that they have been fed enough on turkey, shrimp and lobster.
Yes, really.
It has been reported however that the fold does partake in some more relatable traditions, from joke Christmas present exchanges to a love of board games.
But according to a royal family member, one board game has actually been banned in the family, with the Mountbatten-Windsors no longer allowed to play.
The board game in question? Monopoly.
It was Prince Andrew who broke the news about the royal family’s ban of the board game, opening up about their approach to Monopoly back in 2008.
"We’re not allowed to play Monopoly at home. It gets too vicious", he explained during a visit to Leeds Building Society’s Albion Street head quarters.
This is one to add to the royal rulebook, with Mountbatten-Windsor family members having a long list of rules to abide by. Everything from a ban on talking politics, eating shellfish and diamonds before 6pm to rules about wearing tights, nail varnish hue preferences, and of course the dos and don'ts of descending a staircase as a royal woman.
It's no wonder royal family members need to undergo training before entering the fold!
There is no word as to what games the royal family plays instead of Monopoly, but judging by their unique approach to Christmas traditions, we’re sure we couldn’t even guess.