After enduring weeks of exam Year 11 students will finally find out if their hard work has paid off tomorrow when they receive their GCSE results.
The stress and uncertainty of waiting for the big day is something the majority of people across the nation have endured at some point. While the experience of picking up those all important envelopes will be very different for the teens, the emotions and fears will be the same as everyone who has gone before them.
The Royals are no exception to exam day nerves. We're sure Prince Charles, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie all remember just how scary that day was.
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But how did our favourite members of the Royal Family get on in their exams? We take a look, as reported by The Mirror.
Prince William

In contrast to his own education, which he hated, Prince Charles decided to send his sons to Eton, where William did very well. He left with an impressive 12 GCSEs, and decided to stay on to take his A-levels.
He left the prestigious school, which is in Windsor, not far from Windsor Castle, with an A in geography, an A in history of art and a C in biology - which earned him a place at St Andrews. However he did a gap year before he started his further studies, and was even spotted scrubbing toilets during his educational break.
Prince Harry

Harry also went to Eton but didn't do quite as well as his big brother. But he still got 11 GCSEs - which is great work. He also did his A-levels, earning himself a B in art and a D in geography. Harry decided university wasn't for him and instead joined the Army.
The Duchess of Cambridge

The then Kate Middleton attended Marlborough College in Wiltshire, which is one of the best private schools in the country. As well as being a big sporting personality among her classmates, Kate did well in the classroom and left with some good grades.
She left the college with 11 GCSEs and went on to get As in Maths and Art, and a B in English in her A-Levels. Like William, Kate took a gap year before starting university and the pair actually did a very similar trip but their dates didn't overlap. Kate graduated from St Andrews in 2005 with a 2:1 in History of Art.
Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie

Prince Andrew's oldest daughter Beatrice got nine GCSEs including two A*s when she took her exams. Her best grades were in history and drama, and she also achieved As in French and art with Bs in everything else.
Her sister Eugenie scored two A*s, four As and three Bs at the private Marlborough College. Speaking at the time, a spokeswoman for their mum Sarah Ferguson said: "She's feeling relieved and really happy."
Meghan Markle

As she was educated in America, Meghan didn't follow the same exam system the rest of the Royals did. Meghan began her secondary education at Immaculate Heart High School in 1992 where she was known as a hard working and focused student.
During her high school years, The Duchess of Sussex performed in theatrical productions at both Immaculate Heart and Loyola High School. Her former drama teacher, Gigi Perreau, who directed Meghan in seven plays, remembered that her former student "sparkled."
She said: "You see someone nice to the other kids, who gets good grades, doesn't say anything bad about anybody." America does not test students using GCSEs or A Levels, and it has not been reported what Meghan got on her SATs (which is the test students take as an entry into university) but it is known that she got the grades she needed to get into university.
She went on gain a double major in Theatre and International Relations at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois in 2003. During her time at university, The Duchess completed an internship at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she learned to speak Spanish. She also studied French for six years.
Prince Charles

Prince Charles had a very difficult education to his sons, and was sent to the very strict Gordonstoun. It was Prince Philip's decision, and Charles reportedly struggled and hated his time at the ultra-strict school.
He left with five O-levels (GCSEs) and two A-levels - a B in History and a C in French. He then went on to Cambridge University where he achieved a 2:2 degree in History.
Princes Diana

Princess Diana didn't do quite as well at school and failed all her O-levels, twice. However she apparently excelled in deportment, having attended finishing school in Switzerland.
The Queen

She's met politicians and film stars, speaks French fluently and loves to colour block but the Queen has never sat an academic exam in her life meaning she hasn't a single GCSE or A Level (O Levels back then) to her name. In her early childhood, the Queen was taught by a governess from 9.30am until 11am.
Following the abdication of her uncle Edward VIII in 1938, Elizabeth needed to prepare herself for her future role and received lessons on constitutional history from the vice provost of Eton, Henry Marten.
Professor Kate Williams, author of Young Elizabeth told Good Housekeeping : "The Queen’s father had disliked school and her mother thought it was more important to have fun. Unlike her father, the Queen was and is very bright and had an appetite for learning as well as a razor sharp memory.
"The lack of a formal education didn't harm her as she's naturally analytical and something of an autodidact, as well as being hard working - which we know now is just as important as raw brainpower."
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