If you’ve been following the lifestyles of the rich and the famous recently, you’ve probably heard of a diabetes drug called Ozempic. The drug is rumoured to be the reason why celebrities like Kim K and Mindy Kaling have been able to achieve such rapid weight loss results. Now, Aussie influencer and business tycoon Roxy Jacenko has revealed in an interview with The Daily Telegraph that she thought she was going to die after taking Ozempic for weight loss.
In the interview Jacenko shared on her Instagram story on Saturday, she revealed that wanted to take Ozempic after trying everything to lose weight.
“I tried not eating much, I tried cutting out alcohol and I tried exercising. It didn’t work, I didn’t shed the weight,” Jacenko told The Daily Telegraph.
“I thought, ‘I am reading and hearing about Ozempic all the time. I am trying it.”

Jacenko explained that she’d put on the weight after being taking hormone therapy medication for her breast cancer diagnosis. The weight gain damaged the influencer’s self confidence, and made her act “like a junkie” in order to get her hands on Ozempic.
“I went to my doctor and I begged him and he said, ‘Roxy go and look in the mirror’. He made me walk into his room and look at myself in the mirror and he said, ‘I am not giving you a prescription, you don’t need it”, she said.
Ozempic is a treatment for type 2 diabetes and works by managing blood glucose levels, helping your body produce more insulin when needed. However, a side effect is that people taking the drug may lose weight due to a reduction in appetite and the slowing down of food movement in your gut.
Australian doctors should not be prescribing Ozempic to people who don’t have diabetes, and Diabetes Australia has encouraged the Therapeutic Goods Administration to take steps to prioritise people with type 2 diabetes.
However, despite this, people like Roxy Jacenko are still finding ways to get their hands on Ozempic and abuse it.
“You would be blown away by the number of people who will give you scripts for that stuff,” Jacenko said.
Jacenko was so desperate that she paid someone $2500 to drive and collect the medication for her.
“The only one I could get was a 1 milligram pen. So basically you start on 0.25 and after a number of weeks or months you can transition yourself onto a higher dosage,” she said.
“I took the 1ml because it was it was all I could get. I was like a junkie. I was like a proper junkie.”
As a result of the overdose, Jacenko’s body went into shock, causing her to vomit and shake uncontrollably. Jacenko then called an ambulance and was rushed to hospital.
Roxy Jacenko truly thought she was “going to die” and is now using her platform to warn people against the dangers of taking Ozempic for weight loss.
“It is not worth the ramifications,” she said.
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