A Tottenham landlord has been ordered to repay their tenants £20,000 after failing to licence their property.
Haringey Council clobbered the landlord with an order to repay their tenants 12 months’ rent after they ignored an initial warning to get a licence for their house in multiple occupancy (HMO).
They were also fined £2,500. Under council rules, landlords of HMOs - a property where three or more unrelated tenants house-share - have been required to get a licence since May 2019.
Cllr Sarah Williams, Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Private Renters and Planning, said: “Thanks to the hard work of council officers, legal action has been taken against landlords that have failed to licence their properties.
“Haringey Council has a zero-tolerance policy to rogue landlords; in one case the landlord has been made to repay £20,000 in rent to their tenants.
“Our licensing scheme is in place for a reason: to protect Haringey’s private renters by ensuring their homes are safe and well maintained.”
In addition, council officials said two landlords in Wood Green were also recently hit with fines of £5,000 and £2,000 respectively for failing to licence their HMOs.
A total of 56 fines amounting to more than £250,000 have been levied against landlords flouting the rules since they were established nearly five years ago.
The existing licensing scheme is due to end next year, with town hall officials consulting on replacement proposals to “improve the private rented sector”.
An HMO must have a licence if it is occupied by five or more people. A council can also include other types of HMOs for licensing, which can vary by area.