Re Roger Whittaker (Obituary, 20 September), is there any record of how the miners in north-east England’s working men’s clubs – where he plied his early trade – reacted to his implicit relocating of Durham to the banks of the Tyne in his hit song Durham Town (the Leavin’)? The city of Durham is on the River Wear, by the way.
Pete Lawson
• Speaking at the top of the Shard on 29 December 2049, the prime minister said: “My government is committed to achieving net zero, but with the current heatwave, and with London under several metres of seawater, this is not to the time to take measures that might upset our surviving voters” (Rishi Sunak announces U-turn on key green targets, 20 September).
Dave Dalton
• I found it interesting that a horse called Zero Carbon was listed as a non-runner in the 7pm race at Chelmsford on Thursday.
Alastair Gilmour
• There are calls for hard-hitting tactics and graphic images on packaging to promote healthier lifestyles (‘Dire need’ for labels on alcohol and ads about unhealthy eating to cut avoidable cancers, 16 September). I hope we can now expect images of devastating floods and raging forest fires on airline boarding passes and on steakhouse menus.
John Lovelock
• While we are discussing bringing back dog licences (Letters, 20 September), could we extend them to cats? Gardeners and wildlife conservationists will know what I mean.
John Brooke
Bewdley, Worcestershire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.