Roger Goodell confused the entire internet when he showed up at Jackson State’s Celebration Bowl appearance Saturday. There were only a few reasons that immediately came to mind for this.
The first was maybe he was there to support Deion Sanders in his last game at the prestigious historically Black university. They’re buds, right? That’s totally plausible considering Sanders is making a b-line for Colorado right after this game.
Or maybe this could’ve been a scouting trip for Goodell? Nah. That can’t be right. He’s a commissioner, not a scout. Come on, Sykes.
To be fair to me here, though, there wasn’t a person in the world who could’ve guessed what the correct answer actually was.
As it turns out, Roger Goodell actually has a nephew who goes to Jackson State.
No, no — seriously. This is not a bit. He really has a nephew who goes to Jackson State. And, yes. his nephew is Black. His name is Charlton Goodell, and he’s a Sophomore at Jackson State.
Roger gave him a big hug on the sideline. You should recognize that hug, too. It’s the same hug he gives to the No. 1 draft pick every year. Clearly, Charlton is No. 1 in his heart.
Roger Goodell showed up to support his nephew Charlton Goodell at the Cricket Celebration Bowl 🙌 @GoJSUTigersFB pic.twitter.com/N87Aj4lRAa
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) December 17, 2022
Nobody can blame you for missing this back in 2020 with, well, you know *waves hands wildly in the air*. But Goodell did an interview where he talked about Charlton — or Charlie, as he calls him — with Fox Sports’ Emmanuel Acho. He’s one of his younger brother’s adopted kids.
That’s a pretty neat thing. You absolutely love to see family thriving. But, still, everyone was just a tad bit confused by what they just learned. It felt like the simulation simulated a little too hard.
they said Roger Goodell's nephew plays for Jackson State and I thought it was a bit but it turns out Roger Goodell's nephew plays for Jackson State
— Rodger Sherman (@rodger) December 17, 2022
Whole time y’all was talking about that man leaving when Roger Goodell has a nephew on the team that no one even mentioned 🤣 #CelebrationBowl
— Dawn (@_dawnmontgomery) December 17, 2022
america as a whole realizing roger goodell has a Black nephew pic.twitter.com/VmFFINMPWR
— Brandon Caldwell (@_brandoc) December 17, 2022
Roger Goodell having a nephew that plays football at Jackson State was not on my bingo card
— Shades Of: Michael Beasley With Anime Plot Armor (@TerranovaNoah) December 17, 2022
Roger Goodell having a nephew at Jackson state is not something I expected to learn this AM.
— Alex Booker (@abook06) December 17, 2022
Roger Goodell having a black nephew at a HBCU is something I didn’t expect to see ever in my life 😭😭😭
— Big Cozy (@cozyq42) December 17, 2022
So now Jsu got Roger Goodell nephew??? And you telling me NO JUs leaked that information before today??? pic.twitter.com/suEqJOaMaT
— FATboy (@MSPU_1911) December 17, 2022
Me seeing roger Goodell’s nephew pic.twitter.com/stlQTzjvGn
— Anthony B (@AyeeBarkley) December 17, 2022
Roger Goodell having a nephew at Jackson State is one of the biggest plot twist of the year…
— 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑑 (7-5-1) (@fred314_) December 17, 2022