Brits have been advised to avoid certain roads if driving into London this Jubilee bank holiday weekend.
Millions of people are tipped to flock into the Capital over the next five days to soak up the historic occasion, which marks 70 years since the Queen ascended to the throne.
Tube strikes scheduled in for the weekend have now been called off, meaning public transport is probably the best way to get around the city.
Those who are driving into London have been advised to avoid the centre as there are numerous road closures connected to the big events.
For example, many roads around Buckingham Palace and the Mall are completely locked down.
To make sure you have a fun weekend free from the misery of picking up a fixed penalty notice, check out this list of the London roads you're most likely to get a fine on, according to Splend.
PCNs can cost you well over £100 and are easy to pick up, due to the tight traffic rules in the Capital and the 600,000-plus CCTV cameras watching the roads.

1. Bus lane PCN at Clapham Park Road in Lambeth SW4 7LA
A solid bus lane line before the intersection on this road means you can't cross over it, yet many, many people are caught out by the road markings each day.
2. Prohibited vehicles at Lansdowne Drive in Hackney E8 4NA
Lansdown Drive limits both cars and motorcycles at certain times of the day, allowing for only local buses.
If you slip up, you'll be sent a big fine.

3. Limited traffic Monday to Friday at Bank Junction
Bank junction is a notorious intersection in the heart of the financial district which connects six different roads.
To ease congestion in this intersection, only buses are allowed through between 7 am to 7 pm Monday to Friday.
4. Parking in The West End
The West End boasts the reputation for handing out the most parking PCNs in all of London.
You should be careful of trying to park up in popular areas such as Convent Gardens, Chinatown and Soho.

5. Newport Avenue at Tower Hamlets E14 2ED
A bus-only street located right outside the East India DLR stop is a hot spot for PCNs, with cars can only allowed to turn right.
6. Browning Road bridge at Newham E12
This bridge has been temporarily closed to vehicles other than buses, taxis, motorcycles, and bicycles. This change has led to a large number of PCN notices.
7. Charlton Road at Harrow HA3 9HP
This road has a maximum vehicle width allowed through, with drivers needing to stick left, rather than using the middle lane.
8. Riversdale Road at Islington N16 9DJ
This one has made many a drivers' blood boil. Like the Harrow road, cars must be kept left through a small gate.
It comes up on you quickly so be careful.
9. One-way road at City of London E1 7DJ
This confusing two-lane one-way street has a designated camera ready to fine drivers who enter.